- 1). Open the PowerPoint presentation you want to convert to the HTML format.
- 2). Click the "Office Button," which is the circle in the upper left corner -- or the "File" menu in PowerPoint 2003 and earlier. Click "Save As."
- 3). Click the drop-down menu next to "Save as Type" and choose "Web Page (*.html)" from the list. Click "Save." Check with your webmaster for instructions on uploading the HTML file to your website.
- 1). Convert the presentation into an HTML-compatible format by using a PowerPoint add-in like the Ultra PPT to HTML add-in from Ultrashareware.com or the PPTools Starter Set from PPTFAQ.com.
- 2). Download the add-in file and then click the "Office Button" in the upper-left corner of the screen. Click "PowerPoint Options," then click "Add-ins" and select "PowerPoint Add-ins" from the drop-down list labeled "Manage." Click "Go."
- 3). Click the "Add" button, then browse to the location where you downloaded that add-in. Double-click the file to load it into PowerPoint. Click "OK."
- 4). Follow the instructions from the add-in maker to convert your PowerPoint presentation to an HTML file. Typically, you will click the tab on the Ribbon that's created by the add-in.
PowerPoint 2007 and Older
PowerPoint 2010