When Oprah invited rock star Pink several months ago, to talk about her new single "stupid girl" I listened closely.
I wanted to know more about that song and why it had called Oprah's attention so much.
I actually received an education about what's on young girls' minds these days and it wasn't pretty.
The song and video talk against the frightening message that's being sent to young girls: in order to be and "it" girl you must be obsessed with your weight (probably have an eating disorder), your hair, make-up, designer clothes and shoes and act stupid to get men's attention.
To tap it all off, a woman must sell herself as a piece of meat in order to be popular.
Now, the "it" girls that are helping to get this message out, are not air-brained at all, they're actually making a pretty penny selling the "stupid" image.
In her song, Pink asks the question: "what happened to the dream of a girl president?" But personally I have a slightly different dream for young girls, not to make light of such a noble aspiration.
Yet I believe sometimes life gives us hints of where our destiny lies through the things we already love to do.
Or the things we daydream about, even the crazy ideas that cross our minds whenever we're faced with a difficult situation.
These creativity beams, to me, are God's whispers and lay the foundation for the bigger plan.
As women, we have the special ability to operate from both hemispheres of the brain very effectively.
The right side of the brain is believed to control the emotional, spiritual and creative functions.
With our left hemisphere we know how to be analytical and we are especially gifted with linguistic skills.
So why haven't we heard and seen much more women in the creative and entrepreneurial fields? It's true that we've seen quite a number in recent years but I'm still not satisfied.
There are a few things I believe we could do in order to help increase this number, and I'd like to mention three:
I wanted to know more about that song and why it had called Oprah's attention so much.
I actually received an education about what's on young girls' minds these days and it wasn't pretty.
The song and video talk against the frightening message that's being sent to young girls: in order to be and "it" girl you must be obsessed with your weight (probably have an eating disorder), your hair, make-up, designer clothes and shoes and act stupid to get men's attention.
To tap it all off, a woman must sell herself as a piece of meat in order to be popular.
Now, the "it" girls that are helping to get this message out, are not air-brained at all, they're actually making a pretty penny selling the "stupid" image.
In her song, Pink asks the question: "what happened to the dream of a girl president?" But personally I have a slightly different dream for young girls, not to make light of such a noble aspiration.
Yet I believe sometimes life gives us hints of where our destiny lies through the things we already love to do.
Or the things we daydream about, even the crazy ideas that cross our minds whenever we're faced with a difficult situation.
These creativity beams, to me, are God's whispers and lay the foundation for the bigger plan.
As women, we have the special ability to operate from both hemispheres of the brain very effectively.
The right side of the brain is believed to control the emotional, spiritual and creative functions.
With our left hemisphere we know how to be analytical and we are especially gifted with linguistic skills.
So why haven't we heard and seen much more women in the creative and entrepreneurial fields? It's true that we've seen quite a number in recent years but I'm still not satisfied.
There are a few things I believe we could do in order to help increase this number, and I'd like to mention three:
- 1.
We need to teach our girls to think more like originators rather than just consumers.
We can take advantage of trips to the mall to instill in her the desire to create different and better commodities.
She doesn't have to stop liking girly things such as: pretty dresses and shoes, but instead of only thinking of buying, why not think of improving and innovating on them or even creating originals.
Also, take advantage of every difficult situation to encourage her to become part of the solution.
She should see herself as a solution provider rather than a princess that needs to be taken care of.
I believe that in our quest to love, provide and protect, we must be careful not to cripple our girls for life.
Help her to think of her original ideas as potentially commercial.
Instead of just indulging in wishful thinking or idle daydreaming, teach her how to break down her idea as much as possible.
a-First, she needs to describe the main idea thoroughly.
She should be able to explain as best she can the idea she has in mind.
b-Second, there must be a justification for this idea to actually become a real product.
The question "what problem would this product solve?" must be definitely answered.
c-Third, let her brainstorm different possible ways to carry out her idea.
What kind of technology exists today that could help make it a reality? For instance: "what enables a toy-car to run? Or a doll to talk? Could I use these mechanisms in my original idea?"
d-Finally, who would be more interested in the end-product and how would it be marketed or introduced to them? She can also think of great names for her original product, as well as different byproducts that would derive form it.3.
Her entertainment and reading material should be inspiring.
Whether she's watching TV or reading a book, it should almost always have an inspiring message about men and women who have accomplished great things.
Get her early into the habit of reading good books.
I personally love Oh the places you'll go by Dr.
Its timeless and inspiring message gives her a slight picture of what the big picture is, once she's ready to walk into life.
Another book I would strongly recommend is The Brainstormer.
Think, Imagine, Create by Julie Duncan Archibold.
In this book you'll find over 120 ideas sketched out in the four steps, previously mentioned, that take a mere idea to a potentially commercial product.
You'll also find other tips on how to turn original ideas that seem outrageous, into successful commodities.
This book is targeted especially towards young women.
Just like Dr.
Seuss' book, it's a great graduation or birthday gift.
I mean, seriously, how many more dolls or shoes or jeans does your little girl really need? Most likely as many as the world needs another "stupid" girl.