Health & Medical sports & Exercise

How to Burn Calories While Cleaning the House

I've recently changed gyms, my old gym had no windows, was cramped and stuffy and I really didn't enjoy going.
Surroundings make the difference so I've cancelled that contract and moved to the local leisure centre which has a big pool and big air conditioned rooms with large windows and natural light beaming in, so much better in my opinion and I'm looking forward to working out again.
To kick off my new found love for all things heavy and repetitive I have purchased a heart rate monitor which measures how many calories one can burn while working out.
I've tested this in a spinning class where I burnt 1042 Cal in 45 min and in weight training where I got through about 450 Cal which is pretty good.
I wondered how many calories carpet cleaning burnt so today I used my watch while cleaning a 3 bedroom house in London, 3 rooms and stairs which took about three and a half hours without breaks from start to finished and all packed up.
The results were amazing, 2568 Calories, wow!.
This got me thinking how can you turn mundane housework into exercise? Take a look at these steps and see if you agree: 1.
Hold that pose while cleaning the bath: When scrubbing the bath at all angles get into the squat position and hold it, don't rest on your haunches, keep yourself suspended and feel the burn.
Step up to the cob webs: Get yourself a two step block, similar to what kiddies use when helping out with the dishes.
Get the duster and step up, dust, step down and repeat...
Move along and repeat, I assure you once you get down the passage cleaning cobwebs your thighs will be burning.
Pump the arms when hanging laundry: Don't just lift and hang.
Lift, lift, lift and hang, lift, lift, lift and hang.
Just don't let the neighbour see you! 4.
Vacuum with authority: Don't just pull your carpet cleaner around the room, pump those arms and clean every section of the carpet with more than three passes, including the the stairs where you can march on the spot one stair at a time while you clean roughly 3 steps up.
House cleaning and working out are not necessarily pleasures, but combining the two can lead to some fantastic results in both body and home.
So go on and try it, get the heart rate up, get those carpets and windows clean, and get those guns!
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