- The barbell bench press is an excellent upper body exercisesenior power 44 image by Paul Moore from Fotolia.com
It is possible to use different set and repetition schemes and get results. Depending on individual goals and the exercise being performed, sets of one to 25 or more repetitions can be used. The weight used and the number of sets undertaken can also be varied to control the overall volume of work. - Varied exercise selection keeps motivation high. Aside from the most efficient compound barbell exercises, such as the squat, dead-lift and bench press, there are scores of other barbell, dumbbell and machine-based exercises to try.
- The difficulty of a weight training program should be progressively increased over time. It is best to start off too light at the start of a program and gradually build up to more challenging weights or work volumes.
- Planned rest weeks help keep a person's mind and body fresh and focused. These periods can involve alternative physical activities or a significant reduction in training intensity in the gym. This allows a person to recuperate while staying active.
Substituting Exercises
Planned Progression
Time Off