Health & Medical Women's Health

Tips to Choose Right Gynaecologist in Singapore for Your Pregnancy

You've told everyone that you have become pregnant, and they've expressed unending happiness. Such news brings smile on everyone face. However, these nine months of pregnancy may likely to make a woman encounter several unhealthy situations. Sometimes, the case turns to be a matter of serious concern. Hence, it is good to consult a gynaecologist for a risk-free and healthy pregnancy.

A gynaecologist is specialist who deals with health of female reproductive system such as uterus, vagina, and ovaries. They are the medical practitioner who from time to time examine pregnant woman and ensure about their overall pregnancy growth. Gynaecologists also practice obstetrics, a branch of medicine related to children and midwifery.

Below are some tips to choose a right gyne expert for your pregnancy health:

Tips 1 - In Singapore, there are a number of health care centers that have well-experienced and certified gynaecologists. So it is often difficult to choose a right doctor. Before you choose a gynaecologist or obstetrician, you should decide what kind of birth you want. Do you want a high intervention obstetrician who closely treats pregnancy with a more technical equipments. Talk to doctors and ensure if you are comfortable with him or her.

Tips 2 - It is advisable to visit maternity wards in a few hospitals. In Singapore, there are some doctors who practice in other hospitals. Find such woman-friendly hospitals. Here, you can find a highly-experienced gynaecologist, cooperative staff, and all possible assistance required during pregnancy.

Tips 3 - Ask your friends and relatives about gynaecologist. You should also meet such woman who has recently given birth to baby. Try to ask her about the treatment she has got at a particular health care center. Make sure asking certain questions, did she get comprehensive services, was she under a high standard during her pregnancy care even if she had more risky and complicated pregnancies.

Tips 4 - On the top of list, make sure that the hospital you have chosen has ultramodern facility and conducts all types of examinations. Is it supported by the modern ultrasound technology and Pregnancy Screening procedure. Health screening includes screening for women's cancers. A gynaecologist at well-equipped health care center is able to examine several risk factors that may occur to a pregnant woman such as menstrual irregularities, fibroids, cysts and fertility issues, etc.

Tips 5 - Ensure the following services are available at the hospitals - Pre-pregnancy assessment, Routine antenatal care and ultrasound scans, Antenatal screening blood tests, Post delivery check up, Contraceptive advice, Sterilisation, Routine gynaecological check up and PAP smear, Treatment of infection and common gynaecological problems etc.

Tips 6 - It is also good to make sure that hospitals have 24x7 days emergency facilities. Do doctor conduct surgery if required? Does the hospital provide round the clock ambulance services? Does nurses take proper care to the patients? Does hospital keep neat and clean?

These are 6 meaningful tips you should focus on while choosing a right gynaecologist in Singapore or anywhere in the world.
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