- 1). Move the Snow Rose outdoors in springtime after the frost has left the ground and the temperatures remain at or above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The plant likes afternoon sunlight and some shade. Don't move it around too much once it's brought outdoors as this will stress the plant.
- 2). Move the plant back indoors in the autumn when the overnight lows start inching towards 39 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the plant in a warm room kept at 60 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit to keep the Snow Rose growing indoors. Good humidity is a must during the winter months.
- 3). Re-pot the Snow Rose every two or three years to keep it from becoming root bound. The soil should be open so it doesn't clump up when watered. This will avoid root rot in the rose.
- 4). Fertilize every seven to ten days during warm weather growing season applying house plant fertilizer at half strength. Fertilize every three to four weeks during the winter months.
- 5). Don't over-water the plant. If the soil feels dry on the surface, water but don't over soak the roots. Keep a gravel tray under the potted plant and keep the tray wet but not so the pot is sitting in standing water.