Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Core Strength And Vertical Leap

Having a strong core not only helps increase your vertical leap, but for athletic performance overall. This is one area that you never be too strong in. The core doesn't just refer to the abdominal muscles, it includes the entire trunk area front to back. This is the central part of your body that connects the upper with the lower.

The core isn't a primary factor in high you can jump. What matters more than anything is having strength and quickness, as this is what allows you to be explosive. The more explosive you are, the higher you will jump.

The truth is that the entire body plays a part in your vertical leap. The lower body is where the force is generated in order to jump, so that is the primary focus. Using the arms can increase vertical leap by propelling us upward. In fact, research has shown that one can jump higher by as much as 20% by using their arms properly.

Where does the core fit into all this? As mentioned, the lower body is where force is generated. But that force is transferred through the core to the upper body as we begin to ascend. The core therefore acts somewhat as a medium.

If we have a weak core, then some of the momentum will be lost as it travels through the body. What this means is that ultimately we won't be able to jump as high as we possibly can.

With a strong core, we won't lose any momentum as we jump. How much does this really matter in the end? As mentioned, it may not make a huge difference, but it does matter.

The next time you jump, whether it be off one or two legs, pay close attention to what role the core plays. You lean forward before you jump using the hip flexors and abdominal muscles. As you begin to ascend, the core is used to pull the upper body back. Then, the lower back muscles are used to prevent you from going back too far.

In essence, a strong core makes the whole process of jumping more efficient.

Plus, a strong core also means that you have less fat around that area. A lower percentage body fat will result in a higher vertical leap because you are carrying less weight.

Superman exercises are great for the core, particularly the lower back. This is where you lie on your stomach, then proceed to raise and lower your arms and legs at the same time.
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