How did the reigning prince of prints earn his crown? With vividly modern florals-think overscaled and abstracted blooms in acid colour combinations-that were a sensation the moment they hit the London catwalk. "I would describe my work as accidental, romantic and colourful," says Erdem Moralioglu. christian louboutin Since winning the British Fashion Fringe competition in 2005, the designer, 32, has added a nomination for the Swiss Textiles Federation's Stella Contemporary Fashion Award (alongside [Alexander Wang] and Thakoon), and three consecutive seasons of sponsorships from the British Fashion Council to that crown. Being a fashion darling certainly has its perks. christian louboutin discount
"My most exciting moment was having lunch with Christian Lacroix last season in Paris," he recounts. "And as a Canadian, coming to the opening of The Room at The Bay and having the collection represented so beautifully in Canada." While we are proud to claim the Montreal native (who studied at Ryerson University before hopping the pond in 2001) as our own, there's something distinctly English about the Royal College of Art graduate's dresses. Christian Louboutin Sandals Surreal details like spring's 3-D embroidered pansies, celebrate the eccentricity of U.K. fashion, while lace trims and Elizabethan waistlines tip their hat to its history. The toast of London's fashion scene, one wonders how long before a major Paris house spirits him away? "Hmm, that is a good question. We will see," is all Moralioglu will say. You heard it here first. Christian Louboutin Shoes
Toronto born Calla Haynes, 29, uses her own wardrobe desires to define her collection.
"My most exciting moment was having lunch with Christian Lacroix last season in Paris," he recounts. "And as a Canadian, coming to the opening of The Room at The Bay and having the collection represented so beautifully in Canada." While we are proud to claim the Montreal native (who studied at Ryerson University before hopping the pond in 2001) as our own, there's something distinctly English about the Royal College of Art graduate's dresses. Christian Louboutin Sandals Surreal details like spring's 3-D embroidered pansies, celebrate the eccentricity of U.K. fashion, while lace trims and Elizabethan waistlines tip their hat to its history. The toast of London's fashion scene, one wonders how long before a major Paris house spirits him away? "Hmm, that is a good question. We will see," is all Moralioglu will say. You heard it here first. Christian Louboutin Shoes
Toronto born Calla Haynes, 29, uses her own wardrobe desires to define her collection.