Health & Medical Acne

Natural Acne Solutions That Work Every Time

Unfortunately acne is the most common skin disease that usually occurs in the early teenage years, between 12 and 24, however even adults suffer from this skin disease and it affects one of the most exposed and valuable parts of the body -- the face.
Severe forms of acne often lead the patients to low self-esteem and lack of confidence and later on to severe forms of depression and anxiety which is a cause for concern.
Apart from the conventional acne solutions such Tetracycline, Clindamycin, Sodium Sulfanilamide and Benzoyl Peroxide there are several natural acne solutions that you should consider.
The above solutions might work for some patients but in most of the cases they are only a temporary remedy and not a permanent cure for acne.
Some of the substances that are found in several acne products have dangerous side-effects when used for long periods of time.
Another effective method is the laser therapy that removes not only the acne but the acne scars, however a single laser therapy costs a few hundred dollars and it's not something that most people can afford.
The natural acne solutions are a lot more cheaper and they have proven to give ever lasting results.
While the commercial solutions have substantial data to prove their effectiveness, home remedies must be tried with a pinch of faith and they also come at a very low cost.
Some of the most common home remedies for acne are the oatmeal and the peppermint and honey face masks that have proven to be effective.
Peppermint, Oatmeal and Honey all have high antibacterial and rejuvenating properties.
Some of the other plants used in commercial anti-acne creams that are worth considering are: Fritillaria, Angelica, Tangkuei, Trichosathes and Lonicera (these are their Latin names).
Recent studies show that the best combination to fight acne is Seabuck Oil, Vitamin E and Aloe Vera.
You need to try out each product in order to test its effectiveness but not before you see a dermatologist.
Many of these natural products do not have any harmful side-effects however they can contain additional chemicals that can even worsen your skin condition.
It's always better to get the right information you need instead of pursuing to cure acne all by yourself.
Overall, natural acne solutions are not only less expensive than the conventional methods but they are a lot safer and they don't necessarily require a prescription.
Ask your dermatologist which natural acne solutions would be most suitable for you and your skin and start a natural cure instead of wasting all your money on expensive medications and therapies.
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