Health & Medical Nutrition

Brazil and The Acai Berry Fruit

The beautiful country of Brazil is home to many wonderful things. From being one of the leading producers of coffee to other goods, such as the acai berry. If you haven't heard of the acai berry before, don't worry, I'm going to explain just what exactly this newly popular fruit is and why it is so important.

Brazil, being the largest country in South America, covers much land across the continent. In fact, it occupies nearly half of South America. It also contains 60% of the Amazon rainforest, where the acai berry is grows in the wild.

Now lets talk about the acai berry. The acai berry grows in the Amazon on the tops of trees known as acai palms. These trees are rather tall, averaging 15 to 30 meters tall. When the berries are ready to be harvested, someone must climb to the tops of them and cut down the bunches of berries.

The actual berry is only about an inch in length and looks much like a blackberry. However, one major difference between the two is that the acai berry contains a large seed or pit in the center of it. The seed cannot be eaten and is usually either discarded or used in jewelry, such as necklaces or bracelets.

The berry has been used by the natives of the land for hundreds of years. It has been one of their major sources of food in the Amazon region, sometimes consisting of nearly 30% of their daily intake. While there was no scientific evidence to show its nutritional value back then, they did notice that it gave them extra energy and helped keep them healthy.

Once studies began on this Amazonian fruit, people realized just how nutritious this tiny little berry really is. For starters, the acai berry contains nearly 30 times the amount of antioxidants as red wine. This is an amazing benefit because of the importance of these antioxidants. As some of you may already know, antioxidants are cell-protecting chemicals that fight off dangerous chemicals known as free radicals. If free radicals are left untreated, they can damage cell, cause malignant cell changes, and lead to illness.

There is much more to the acai berry that just a high level of these antioxidants, though. Another important compound found within this fruit are omega fatty acids. Omega fatty acids are responsible for promoting good cardiovascular health and helping to regular cholesterol levels. Many people don't get enough, if any, of these important fats in their daily diet.

Other important nutrients found in the Amazon acai berry are vitamins C, D, and E. All of these have a variety of benefits on the human body, including boosting the immune system.

Brazil is an amazing country with a rich history. It is the largest country in South America and home of the popular health fruit acai berry. If you ever get a chance to visit Brazil, either for business or pleasure, visit some of the local markets and look for fresh acai berry dishes. The acai smoothies are absolutely delicious!
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