As you know the Pakistanis are one of our many allies in the war on terror although I wouldnt put them in the category of trusted allies. We have been pouring financial aid into Pakistan by the shovelfuls so they have to present a certain face towards us in order to continue to receive it. Their heart is not in the alliance which is not a big deal because countries dont form alliances out of love. They are formed out of necessity.
Publicly the Pakistanis condemn our drone attacks on their soil. Now personally I cant blame them because no one wants any other country to launch weapons onto their soil to kill people and leave them with the political and physical mess to clean up. The idea of ordinance being exploded on your soil is a lot to bear along with the fact that that ordinance will sometimes kill your innocent civilian population.
Pakistan is a fundamentalist Islamic State and our enemies are radical fundamentalist Islamic factions. According to the Middle Eastern mentality we are outsiders and we really dont have any business killing their Moslem brothers. In reality we need to do what we have to do in order to wipe out the factions which actively maintain and operate a campaign of terrorism aimed at destabilizing the United States. The United States is not conducting a war against Islam. Our enemies just happen to be radical Islamic factions which wont hesitate to attack us if we dont go after them. This of course doesnt look good to the rest of the Islamic nations but they understand the situation. Most Islamic people dont share in these radical beliefs which is something that many Americans need to understand.
Most Pakistani citizens are heavily anti US just because of the propaganda that they have been fed by those radicals who live among them. The war that they see everyday is different from the war which is portrayed by our news agencies. They see their friends and families killed and mangled by the effects of the war. They dont know why the Americans are bombing their country. For all intents and purposes they see themselves as being under attack.
Even though we are fighting the brunt of the war in Afghanistan the Pakistanis are not concerned because as far as they see its none of their business. They were never close allies with the Afghans anyway so we wont garner much sympathy for our cause.
The Pakistani intelligence agency has worked with the Haqqanis for quite a number of years and since the Haqqanis are the main source of the problem with the United States Pakistani intelligence has been slow to assist us in our war efforts. The government wont allow US troops to cross onto their soil when pursuing terrorists across the border so this gives the terrorists a very serious advantage.
Pakistan has begun to produce an increasing number of Jihadis as the years pass which if unchecked will present a major problem to the US. Sooner or later we may have to cross into Pakistan in order to root them out and that wont be a pleasant situation at all. The Pakistanis will be forced to take a stand in one way or another. Their best bet would be to not allow al-Qaeda a haven in their country from which to mount terror attacks. The situation is very delicate and tricky and we will remain abreast of it. We will publish follow on articles as the situation changes. Military Ring Express
Publicly the Pakistanis condemn our drone attacks on their soil. Now personally I cant blame them because no one wants any other country to launch weapons onto their soil to kill people and leave them with the political and physical mess to clean up. The idea of ordinance being exploded on your soil is a lot to bear along with the fact that that ordinance will sometimes kill your innocent civilian population.
Pakistan is a fundamentalist Islamic State and our enemies are radical fundamentalist Islamic factions. According to the Middle Eastern mentality we are outsiders and we really dont have any business killing their Moslem brothers. In reality we need to do what we have to do in order to wipe out the factions which actively maintain and operate a campaign of terrorism aimed at destabilizing the United States. The United States is not conducting a war against Islam. Our enemies just happen to be radical Islamic factions which wont hesitate to attack us if we dont go after them. This of course doesnt look good to the rest of the Islamic nations but they understand the situation. Most Islamic people dont share in these radical beliefs which is something that many Americans need to understand.
Most Pakistani citizens are heavily anti US just because of the propaganda that they have been fed by those radicals who live among them. The war that they see everyday is different from the war which is portrayed by our news agencies. They see their friends and families killed and mangled by the effects of the war. They dont know why the Americans are bombing their country. For all intents and purposes they see themselves as being under attack.
Even though we are fighting the brunt of the war in Afghanistan the Pakistanis are not concerned because as far as they see its none of their business. They were never close allies with the Afghans anyway so we wont garner much sympathy for our cause.
The Pakistani intelligence agency has worked with the Haqqanis for quite a number of years and since the Haqqanis are the main source of the problem with the United States Pakistani intelligence has been slow to assist us in our war efforts. The government wont allow US troops to cross onto their soil when pursuing terrorists across the border so this gives the terrorists a very serious advantage.
Pakistan has begun to produce an increasing number of Jihadis as the years pass which if unchecked will present a major problem to the US. Sooner or later we may have to cross into Pakistan in order to root them out and that wont be a pleasant situation at all. The Pakistanis will be forced to take a stand in one way or another. Their best bet would be to not allow al-Qaeda a haven in their country from which to mount terror attacks. The situation is very delicate and tricky and we will remain abreast of it. We will publish follow on articles as the situation changes. Military Ring Express