Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Training Your Puppy With Wire Dog Crates

Crate training your puppy can be a challenging task to take on and there a number of steps that will help you accomplish the task properly.
One thing to remember is that they wire dog crates should not be used for punishment, but rather they should be used as a means of comforting shelter for your puppy.
There are a number of reasons whey dog crates are useful.
For one, they provide a place of containment for when you're not home for extended periods of time.
This can prevent them from getting into too much trouble when you're gone.
They are also a great way to keep your dog contained when on long car rides or in situations where they cannot be allowed to run free.
Buying the right size crate is very important because you want your pet to be comfortable while he or she is inside for an extended period of time.
This would not be possible if you got a crate that is not the right size.
When you bring the crate home for the first time, set it up in a neutral area and let your dog check it out before you actually lock him up in it.
Give your dog time to get used to it actually being there before you actually close the door.
Do what you can to make the crate a very comfortable and inviting environment.
You can do so by filling it with the favorite toys or blanket or whatever it is that your dog likes.
Once your puppy has become used to the crate actually being there, go ahead and feed your dog in the crate.
Try closing the door for a while and perhaps offer a treat or two to make your dog feel safe and at home inside the crate with the door closed.
Leave him in the crate for about 15 minutes or so with the door closed and then allow them to come out.
The next step in the process of crate training is the vary the time length that your dog remains inside the crate.
Increase the amount of time and decrease the amount of time in order to keep your dog wondering when you are going to let him out.
This will help him get used to the varying time lengths that he has to remain in the wire dog crate.
The important thing to remember is not to let your dog out of the crate when the temptation is at its highest, no matter how much your dog whines and barks.
This will negatively affect your progress as it will reinforce the idea that barking and whining will help your dog get his way.
After a little hard work and determination, your dog will become used to the crate and will eventually enjoy the time that he or she is required to spend inside it.
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