- Many teen girls love to receive jewelry and accessories for any occasion. Use the tastes of the girl to determine the best items to purchase. Watch how she dresses for a week or two before purchasing her gift. If you do not know the taste of the girl, check jewelry and accessories stores that target younger shoppers. Many of the items at these stores should please most teens. If the girl dresses more preppy or classic, then she may appreciate a gift of antique jewelry or accessories. Accessories such as belts, hats, earrings, necklaces and bracelets make ideal teen girl gifts.
- Most teen girls love clothing. Girls often spend hours reading fashion magazines, blogs and other fashion related books and topics. You can use the brand of clothing that the girl typically wears as a jumping off point for purchasing clothing items. If you are unsure of the girl's size, you can always ask a friend or parent for sizing information. However, sizing information varies by store, so always include a gift receipt with clothing gifts.
- Purchasing a hobby gift for a teen girl can give her something to do for many months. Many girls love collecting or crafting items and will enjoy a hobby-related gift. If the girl already has a hobby, such as photography, then you can get her accessories to go along with her current hobby. Otherwise, choose something you think she would like, such as jewelry making, scrapbooking or even knitting or some other craft. Consider gift kits with contents such as pottery making, painting, clothing design, gardening, sewing and button or pin collecting. You may also be able to find books on a specific hobby at a book store or purchase hobby supplies at a craft store.
- Many teen girls spend hours each day primping and trying on makeup and different ways of grooming and fixing their hair. You can't go wrong when purchasing makeup or a grooming item for a teen girl. Stick to trendy or young colors, bright nail polish and eye shadows, glittery body washes and cute body scrubs and containers. Many teen girls wear lip gloss rather than true lipstick, and a selection of several sweet-smelling glosses will make most teen girls happy.
Jewelry and Accessories
Grooming and Makeup