From war to the halls of peace, here are some well-known speeches from the early 21st century.
President Obama's Remarks at the End of the Iraq War
"I know this historic moment comes at a time of great uncertainty for many Americans. We have now been through nearly a decade of war. We have endured a long and painful recession. And sometimes in the midst of these storms, the future that we are trying to build for our nation – a future of lasting peace and long-term prosperity may seem beyond our reach. But this milestone should serve as a reminder to all Americans that the future is ours to shape if we move forward with confidence and commitment."More »Bashar Assad Speech April 16, 2011: Promises of Reforms & Brushing Off Protests
"Since we are talking about this particular stage, I would like to say that the blood which has been spilled in Syria has pained us all. It pained the heart of every Syrian. We are sad for the loss of every Syrian and for all those who have been injured. We pray to God to provide solace to their families and friends. We consider them all martyrs, whether they were civilians, members of the police or the armed forces. In any way the investigation committee is proceeding with its work in order to know the causes of what happened and to identify those responsible and then bring them to account."More »Aung San Suu Kyi's Nobel Acceptance Speech
In 1991, Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Her sons had to accept the award for her in Oslo, as Suu Kyi would spend 15 out of the next 21 years under house arrest for her efforts to bring democracy to Burma. On June 16, 2012, released from house arrest and elected to parliament, she traveled to Norway to accept the peace prize.More »Benjamin Netanyahu's 2012 UN Speech
On Sept. 27, 2012, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave the most memorable address of the 67th UN General Assembly when he pulled out a cartoon bomb drawing and red marker to show Iran's nuclear progress and make the case for where the world community should draw a red line. Here is that address.More »Abbas Asks UN for State Status
On Nov. 29, 2012, the United Nations General Assembly voted 138-9, with 41 abstentions, to admit the Palestinian Authority as a nonmember observer state. Here is Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' speech asking the UN for the status upgrade.More »Israel's UN Speech on Palestinian Status
On Nov. 29, 2012, the United Nations General Assembly voted 138-9, with 41 abstentions, to admit the Palestinian Authority as a nonmember observer state. Here is Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor's speech protesting the status upgrade.More »Obama's 2013 Inauguration Speech
"This generation of Americans has been tested by crises that steeled our resolve and proved our resilience. A decade of war is now ending. An economic recovery has begun. America’s possibilities are limitless, for we possess all the qualities that this world without boundaries demands: youth and drive; diversity and openness; an endless capacity for risk and a gift for reinvention. My fellow Americans, we are made for this moment, and we will seize it -- so long as we seize it together."More »Pope Benedict XVI's Final Address
"At this time, I have within myself a great trust [in God], because I know – all of us know – that the Gospel’s word of truth is the strength of the Church: it is her life. The Gospel purifies and renews: it bears fruit wherever the community of believers hears and welcomes the grace of God in truth and lives in charity. This is my faith, this is my joy."More »Pope Francis' First Easter Address
"Peace for the Middle East, and particularly between Israelis and Palestinians, who struggle to find the road of agreement, that they may willingly and courageously resume negotiations to end a conflict that has lasted all too long. Peace in Iraq, that every act of violence may end, and above all for dear Syria, for its people torn by conflict and for the many refugees who await help and comfort. How much blood has been shed! And how much suffering must there still be before a political solution to the crisis will be found?"More »