You know the feeling, driving through the neighborhood; you turn the corner and see a gardener caring for roses, an amazing, pristine and well tended rose garden that causes you to pause.
Your home can also be adorned with bright and vivid rose blooms all with just a little attention paid to your garden; I'm going to give you a few pointers to help make it easy for you.
Let's start out with a plan and make our preparations, there is going to be some work involved but you're going to experience a great deal of satisfaction in your accomplishments.
OK, here are my tips and pointers to keep your rose garden growing beautiful, lush and vivid: Help In Selecting A Site Just like when you picked your home one of the chief considerations was location, location, location try to locate a spot where your rose can garner at least six to eight hours of sunlight a day.
Roses like lots of direct unfiltered sunlight so to get that glorious garden you are going to have to find a sunny spot for them.
Helpful Tips For Watering Three fourths of the planet is covered by it, our bodies are mostly comprised of it and roses crave it.
So since we are going to be supplying lots of water while caring for roses hopefully you will have a close convenient supply, rose roots grow deep so we want to make sure we get enough water to penetrate the sub soil.
Here is a hint at how to keep mildew from having a chance to form, water in the morning.
Again, it's not necessary to water the flowers or the leaves of the bushes, just get the water to roots so water around the base of the plant.
Be careful not to over water of course, we don't want to drown them, a good rule of the 'green' thumb is an inch a week.
Fabulous Mulch and Splendid Soil Ideally we like to keep our soil pH level at five or six; you can do this with well-drained acidic soil.
You can get a pH testing kit at your local garden store, after testing if you need to increase soil acidity add lime or limestone mix to your soil.
Of course be sure to follow the instructions on the package.
If it turns out your soil is to acidic and you want to make it more basic simply add compost or manure to it.
If you pay attention to this detail you virtually assure yourself of growing big bright and plentiful roses, if not you will have fewer roses and they will be smaller.
Cut down on your weeding by using mulch, this saves you time and it also helps retain moisture which roses love.
It doesn't stop there, it also insulates the soil.
Fed and Fertile OK, were just covering life's basic needs, the basic needs of caring for roses are sun, soil, water and the right nutrition.
Roses will react the same way our bodies do when under or malnourished, they become weakly and lifeless, incomplete blooms that may even stop budding.
So feeding your roses the proper nutrition is the third key to keeping them thriving and bright.
Pruning and Deadheading Deadheading, or removing of spent blooms, encourages the plant to produce more buds so don't be shy about removing flowers just before they start to fade.
Be sure to start your pruning in the spring before the you expect any buds, make, shape the plant, make room and allow for ventilation to safeguard from growth of mold.
Clip off any and all branches that look sick, diseased or dying, clear out dead leaves and debris too.
Pests and Pest Control So we've provided our lovely roses with its basic needs and we've done it in a way to minimize our time spent, what we need to do now is protect our roses from invaders, bugs and insects, looking for a good meal.
Roses are a delicacy not only to human eyes but also to the appetites of scores of insects, Japanese beetles, spider mites and aphids are just a few.
We have many different options for defense at hand and you should investigate the market to find which suits you best, man-made chemicals and fertilizers, organic or even natural enemies like other bugs that eat insects.
So now we've made an intimidating and reputedly difficult task simple and you can keep your rose garden healthy and vivid for many years to come.
Your reward will be driving around your home and stopping to admire that beautiful, vividly lush rose garden you keep with just a little special care and attention.
Your home can also be adorned with bright and vivid rose blooms all with just a little attention paid to your garden; I'm going to give you a few pointers to help make it easy for you.
Let's start out with a plan and make our preparations, there is going to be some work involved but you're going to experience a great deal of satisfaction in your accomplishments.
OK, here are my tips and pointers to keep your rose garden growing beautiful, lush and vivid: Help In Selecting A Site Just like when you picked your home one of the chief considerations was location, location, location try to locate a spot where your rose can garner at least six to eight hours of sunlight a day.
Roses like lots of direct unfiltered sunlight so to get that glorious garden you are going to have to find a sunny spot for them.
Helpful Tips For Watering Three fourths of the planet is covered by it, our bodies are mostly comprised of it and roses crave it.
So since we are going to be supplying lots of water while caring for roses hopefully you will have a close convenient supply, rose roots grow deep so we want to make sure we get enough water to penetrate the sub soil.
Here is a hint at how to keep mildew from having a chance to form, water in the morning.
Again, it's not necessary to water the flowers or the leaves of the bushes, just get the water to roots so water around the base of the plant.
Be careful not to over water of course, we don't want to drown them, a good rule of the 'green' thumb is an inch a week.
Fabulous Mulch and Splendid Soil Ideally we like to keep our soil pH level at five or six; you can do this with well-drained acidic soil.
You can get a pH testing kit at your local garden store, after testing if you need to increase soil acidity add lime or limestone mix to your soil.
Of course be sure to follow the instructions on the package.
If it turns out your soil is to acidic and you want to make it more basic simply add compost or manure to it.
If you pay attention to this detail you virtually assure yourself of growing big bright and plentiful roses, if not you will have fewer roses and they will be smaller.
Cut down on your weeding by using mulch, this saves you time and it also helps retain moisture which roses love.
It doesn't stop there, it also insulates the soil.
Fed and Fertile OK, were just covering life's basic needs, the basic needs of caring for roses are sun, soil, water and the right nutrition.
Roses will react the same way our bodies do when under or malnourished, they become weakly and lifeless, incomplete blooms that may even stop budding.
So feeding your roses the proper nutrition is the third key to keeping them thriving and bright.
Pruning and Deadheading Deadheading, or removing of spent blooms, encourages the plant to produce more buds so don't be shy about removing flowers just before they start to fade.
Be sure to start your pruning in the spring before the you expect any buds, make, shape the plant, make room and allow for ventilation to safeguard from growth of mold.
Clip off any and all branches that look sick, diseased or dying, clear out dead leaves and debris too.
Pests and Pest Control So we've provided our lovely roses with its basic needs and we've done it in a way to minimize our time spent, what we need to do now is protect our roses from invaders, bugs and insects, looking for a good meal.
Roses are a delicacy not only to human eyes but also to the appetites of scores of insects, Japanese beetles, spider mites and aphids are just a few.
We have many different options for defense at hand and you should investigate the market to find which suits you best, man-made chemicals and fertilizers, organic or even natural enemies like other bugs that eat insects.
So now we've made an intimidating and reputedly difficult task simple and you can keep your rose garden healthy and vivid for many years to come.
Your reward will be driving around your home and stopping to admire that beautiful, vividly lush rose garden you keep with just a little special care and attention.