Health & Medical Women's Health

Bacterial Vaginosis Statistics - Who is at Risk?

Let's take a look at bacterial vaginosis statistics and see just how prevalent this issue is.
PREGNANT WOMEN According to medical sources, approximately 16% of pregnant women have BV.
Considering the changes that the body goes through during pregnancy, it's not uncommon for the bacterial or pH level of the vagina to shift, opening up the door for "bad" bacteria to set up shop.
ETHNICITY AND BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS There does seem to be a link between ethnicity and BV.
While approximately 9% of sufferers are Caucasian, 16% are Hispanic and 22% are African American.
What causes this link is unknown, but it is known that BV is more common in women who attend an STD clinic than in women who attend a gynecologist or family physicians.
AGE AND BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS In women of childbearing age, BV is the most common vaginal infection.
According to national data, 29% of women have issues; college students show infection rates between 5 and 25%, and up to 61% of patients with an STD also have BV.
YEARLY BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS STATISTICS In the United States, there are an estimated 7.
4 MILLION new cases of BV each year.
Frighteningly, up to 85% of these cases may be asymptomatic (having no symptoms).
BV accounts for over a billion dollars in spending by patients to treat their infections.
COMPLICATIONS It might seem like little more than a nuisance, but bacterial vaginosis can lead to some pretty serious problems if it's left untreated.
One of the main issues that can result from an untreated bacterial vaginal infection is pelvic inflammatory disease.
Pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID, can lead to infertility.
Chronic BV can also make it easier to contract a sexually transmitted disease, as irritated tissues don't function properly, and can cause wound infection after gynecological surgeries.
In pregnant women, it can contribute to premature rupture of the membranes, premature labor, low birthweight infants, and premature births.
Bacterial vaginosis statistics show that any woman is at risk, though sexually active women of childbearing age are most likely to contract the disease.
If you have any vaginal symptoms, you should head to your doctor; bacterial vaginosis is easily treated, but can cause a lot of issues if left to itself.
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