Health & Medical Mental Health

Natural Healing - Are You Fully Engaged?

Maybe you played sports in high school.
If not, perhaps you played in the band.
Tried out for a play.
Got into dance, or cooking, or chess, or ...
well just about anything.
If you did, then you know the kids I'm talking about.
They were in it to win.
To excel.
Whatever they did, they played full out and put their all into the game.
Then there were the others.
A little more timid.
Not so sure they had what it took.
Tired, maybe.
Perhaps they didn't get enough rest, or there was trouble at home, or they didn't eat right.
Maybe the minute they walked through the door at the end of the day, they were yelled at; put down.
Hard to say.
But for some reason, they always held just a little back.
You could feel it.
They weren't in the game for the win.
They were in because it was the thing to do.
Which kid were you? Which kid are you now? If you're on this healing path for real, there's one thing you've gotta know.
You must play full out.
You may not have the luxury of a second chance.
You sure don't have the luxury of being lazy.
This is a game where you play to win; you play for keeps; you play for your life.
So what's the difference? Easy.
The difference is you.
See the game of playing to win is not so much about talent as it is about self-worth.
Perceived limitations.
Your personal history in keeping your word.
And your willingness to make a mistake.
Now maybe you aren't in a life and death situation today.
"It doesn't really matter if I lose those 10 pounds I said I was going to lose or not," you might reason.
"Why stress myself over it? I've already got a lot on my plate.
It really doesn't make that much difference.
" Oh but it does.
Doing what you said you were going to do builds integrity.
Not doing what you said teaches you that you're a wimp and a liar.
If "the big diagnosis" came tomorrow, would you want to face it in integrity ...
or as a wimp and a liar? Pretty clear now, isn't it? If I were to design the perfect wellness strategy for someone who may later need to overcome a serious illness (and I think that pretty much applies to all of us), it would be this.
Set little, manageable goals.
Meet and exceed them.
Then set more.
Every now and then, throw in something that you have absolutely no idea how to approach.
Where you're completely clueless and in over your head! Challenge yourself good.
Meet and exceed that one, too.
When "the big one" shows up, you'll be the one beating it.
How come? Because you'll already have a history with yourself.
You'll know you're worth the struggle, because you will have proved it to yourself many times over.
You will have already pushed just a little harder when you thought there was nothing left to give -- and surprised yourself by finding strength that you previously didn't know you had.
Further, you'll have gained the confidence in your ability to fulfill and exceed a goal that once seemed unreachable.
So "the big one" will be no bigger than, say, making your first million or manifesting and franchising that great business idea.
Playing to win? You bet.
I'll meet you at the finish line.
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