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E-mail marketing - a powerful weapon in the digital Media

The e-mail marketing is the use of email for commercial or informational mood and differs from other marketing tools "traditional" because:

Allows a personalized and exclusive offer to each person through immediate environment, the e-mail.
The cost of the medium used, in this case the email, to deliver the offer is very limited. This means that companies will no longer be subject to the budget as caring more for what they mean to your customers or prospective customers and when.
The results can be measured almost immediately, at most two days. In addition, the ability to "test" offers is almost endless and you can enter as custom elements and can manage campaigns in a simple way.

1. Fundamental key: ask permission from your customers
But if there is something that really sets the email marketing services from other marketing tools is that it integrates the concept of permission marketing term coined by Seth Godin, and that is to obtain the express permission of the client or prospective client to start a relationship with him. In this case, no one will receive an e-mail that has not previously requested or has not shown an interest in receiving such messages.

Thus, newsletter marketing is positioned against the practices of unsolicited mail, also called spam, but the big problem of the use of spam is not proven ineffectiveness but the negative impact on image and reputation that may have companies that do. That is, the recipients are paying for their connection to the network, thus receiving an unsolicited message involves them a waste of time and money. Therefore, the e-mail marketing aware of the inefficiency and risks to opt for permission marketing.

The next step is vital and how to get the consent of the client, for this we must offer added value very important concept and that many businesses forget portals and since it is a determining factor in the failure of the "". That is, the key is to offer a benefit, which does not have to be a gift or offer may be more information about something that interests you. Ie consent is obtained through an exchange of benefits. He gives his permission for the company to send you information and this, in turn, gives you a fee.

But it has also been found not just get permission from the client and settle but the important thing is to maintain regular communication and that will provide a better understanding of their customers allowing also be updated and activated their databases . The key is to "make the unknown friend, the friend on customer, customer loyal customer and prescriber loyal customer."

2. Highlights of e-mail marketing
After doing a review of the concept and its characteristics let's give a few key for successful campaigns e-mail marketing:

Subject. It is the component of the e-mail where indicated what the message is. Although most often goes unnoticed its importance, is because it is the vehicle which decides whether the message is read or not. It has to motivate the reader to read. Although you might believe that phrases like "free", "discount", "winner of ..." may be the most effective to use them as a subject is not. Moreover, the increasingly common filters the e-mail are programmed to delete all messages that are identified with similar words.

Message. Meet the preferences of your customers and consider their technological capabilities at the time of sending the message. In the latter depend on us to send text or HTML version. It must also contain offers or really valuable customer information.

Closing. There must always be a link to the customer automatically and voluntarily to opt out of receiving further messages.

Date of dispatch. Keep in mind the date on which the e-mail is sent. When it comes to business to business messages should be sent the Monday night or early Tuesday morning. This period will prevent receiving the message get lost in the clutter caused by the amount of e-mails that are received Monday morning. It is also advisable to avoid sending the Friday morning, that offers not suffer apathy that has that day in the afternoon.

Customer. All questions or issues made by clients must be answered within a maximum of 24 hours. The e-mails directed to the final consumer or user usually more effective when sent Saturday night or between Tuesday and Thursday. The personal email accounts are often read on Sundays and therefore sending the previous day is the best time for consumers because it is entirely in the screen and its contents.

Currently in world there are lots of companies who give lists of people who are interested in receiving a particular type of information. In this situation, the choice is clear: either lists a list broker to communicate with prospective customers or working on own database creation both current clients and future clients data is acquired. Resources, objectives and awareness of the power of bulk email marketing services which each organization depends on the choice.
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