Health & Medical Nutrition

Fresh Juice May Especially Benefit Your Body

Importance of Raw Food Diet About 30% to 85% of the nutrition in food is destroyed if it is cooked.
Raw food nutrition especially from organic fruit and vegetables contain high levels of enzymes.
Enzymes act as catalysts for the hundreds of thousands of chemical reactions that occur throughout your body.
Convenient diets of dry or cooked foods have been severely 'denatured' and may not contain as many 'life-promoting' enzymes.
As a result these cooked foods support life but they do not build optimum health or longevity.
Malnutrition causes illness Your body is a living organism, composed of millions of living cells.
Each cell requires living food for proper nourishment and functioning.
When you primarily eat cooked food that may contain contaminants such as oils, refined salts, your body could begin to break down.
This breakdown can happen when you are young and could possibly contribute to undesirable health conditions such as rashes, colic, colds, upset stomachs, earaches.
If you continue consuming marginally nutritious food, as you age you may be afflicted with other conditions such as pimples, acne, tooth decay, falling eye vision.
Then as you enter middle age and become an older adult you could experience painful ailments like heart attacks, arthritis, strokes hypoglycemia, cancers and diabetes.
These conditions and diseases may be avoided or improved by following a disciplined diet of fresh juice, tasty smoothies and essential raw vegetable therapy.
These healthy diets taste good, are easy to prepare and may put the joy of living back into your body.
High in essential enzymes, their micronutrients are known mood elevators and bright intelligence boosters.
Raw food nutrition is your ticket to better, happier and more successful future.
One easy thing you can do to sustaining happiness and boost your play and work stamina is to keep yourself juice-healthy.
Champion Juicer - Your Health Buddy Fresh juice provides a healthy option, and the best juice is fresh homemade juice!In fact juice from a masticating juicer is a great choice.
This juice provides maximum nutrients and is tastier too!For your best nutrition don't get lazy and have chemical laced fast food packaged.
The centrifugal juicers may make less effective juice since they can discard some fiber and micronutrients.
The Champion juicer, built since 1955, is one of the best masticating juicers available.
This popular masticating juicer is powerful and famous for its durability, reliability and real integrity.
Manufactured by Plastaket Manufacturing Co.
in California, this juicer is backed-up with a 10 year limited warranty.
You can use lots of different juice recipes with a Champion Juicer to make your juice blend.
Or just make up your own juice recipe.
Champion juicers chew the fibers and break up the cells of vegetables and fruits.
What you get is a great health drink that gives you more fiber, enzymes, vitamins and trace minerals.
Your health benefits from this sweet dark, rich colored juice with a full-bodied flavor.
To obtain more information about Champion Juicers go to [http://www.
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