Health & Medical Mental Health

5 Ugly Lies About ADHD - Which May Be True

Over the years, a lot of rumors have been spread about ADHD, otherwise known as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Some of these rumors have been exaggerated and many of them have been widely contested, especially by supporters of natural treatments for ADHD.
However, the question remains, is it true? Is it true, what you have heard about ADHD? Here a list of truths that have been frequently debunked only to be defended again by higher authorities.
What follows the statement is an objective analysis that may help you to form your own opinions as well as a comment on natural cures for ADHD.
ADHD Is a Personality Disorder
According to the psychiatric community, ADHD is a neurological disorder, one that can stunt the development of an impressionable mind.
Others claim that ADHD is not a disorder but merely a personality trait, and perhaps even a "blessing" since ADHD children show unusual potential in creativity and even intuitiveness.
What should you conclude? You must be aware of ADHD and its potential to affect the life of your child, whether you think it is a disorder or not.
If your child frequently has problems with others because of ADHD-like symptoms then they can't be ignored.
Any obvious problems should be addressed, even if you choose not to pursue medication.
Natural treatments for ADHD have recently emerged as a popular alternative to chemical-based drugs.
Children will outgrow ADHD.
Some believe that ADHD is mostly a youth-prevalent phase that adults grow out of and eventually become well-adjusted, "normal" individuals.
Evidence suggests that ADHD will affect a person for their entire life.
However, this should not imply that ADHD is a curse or even a sickness.
A child may be able to cope fairly well with ADHD, even if he does require special attention when learning in school.
Natural treatments for ADHD have frequently been recommended, as they tend to help maintain positive feelings without taking away any of the energy and imagination that usually accompanies this "disorder.
" 3.
ADHD is Over-Diagnosed
This is an argument you hear often, usually coming from naturalists and concerned parents (and even religious groups) who have become very anti-psychiatry in their beliefs.
Obviously, in many cases it is true that histrionic parents have overreacted to symptoms of ADHD and ordered strong medication as treatment.
Unfortunately, some of these parents have ignored the child's development, believing that somehow that the drugs would take care of the child's problems.
Medication, and even natural cures for ADHD in homeopathic therapy, should never be considered cures to this condition.
Proper treatment consists of behavioral modification as well as natural treatments for ADHD, which may only consist of dieting.
Poor Parenting Causes ADHD
Is it true that poor parenting causes ADHD? Again, this could be a yes or no answer, depending on circumstances.
ADHD is a disorder and often times has genetic origins.
On the other hand, when bad parenting is present (for example parents who are overly critical, overly negative or very stern) then this can exacerbate the ADHD condition and increase the risk of comorbid (or related disorders).
For the best results, when ADHD is present, you try to be the best parent possible so that you can teach your child coping mechanisms.
Natural treatments for ADHD may also help in this regard, especially if there are strong symptoms of ADHD and a defiant oppositional disorder.
Drugs are unnecessary and homeopathic natural cures for ADHD merely bring about "placebo" effects.
There are many parents who state that natural treatments for ADHD have helped their children tremendously, while others continue to advocate medicine, and others that state that dieting is all that is necessary.
The truth of the matter is that no one knows what will work for your child-only you will, after you try it.
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