- 1). Plant tall thistles, docks and milkweed in your yard as these are known to attract goldfinches, which will eat the seeds that the plants produce. Ornithologist Bill Oddie recommends that you plant a number of trees in your backyard, as the goldfinch can often be found in areas where a number of trees are present, such as an orchard or the edge of a forest.
- 2). Place specialized bird feeders around your backyard. According to UK Safari, hanging bird feeders are suitable for goldfinches as the birds are able to cling on to the feeder if it begins to swing in the wind, whereas other species of birds are unable to do this. Fill your bird feeder with sunflower or nyjer seed, which the goldfinch will be able to grab with its slim beak.
- 3). Provide a birdbath where the birds can bathe and drink. Make your own birdbath simply by placing a shallow dish on top of a raised platform. Fill the birdbath with a small amount of water to encourage the birds to drink from it. Encourage seed-eating birds, such as the goldfinch to visit your garden by providing a birdbath as these birds will often get thirsty and look for water.