Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

The Newbie Guide for Women to Trim Their Thighs With Kettlebells

A common problem women face is the ugly appearance of fat around the buttocks, hips, and thighs.
It's something often referred to as cellulite, and with that comes various proclaimed solutions to annihilate its hideous appearance.
All of which costs and sometimes with an extravagant price.
A much simpler, and more efficient solution is to switch to exercising using nothing more than a kettlebell.
That's it in a nutshell.
A misconception women have though is that kettlebells are used for gaining lean muscle mass.
That's not true at all.
Why don't women train with kettlebells then? Far too many occasions it's just for the fear that the result will be packing on bulk muscle.
That's never going to happen though.
While kettlebells can be used for gaining lean muscle mass, you have to use exercises specifically for that purpose, and alongside a fine-tuned nutrition plan in place to meet those goals.
Those goals can be accomplished using kettlebells, as the workout routines rely upon using a ballistic form of training, as opposed to the grind routines bodybuilders use for muscular gains.
In terms of the kettlebells Vs dumbbells scenario, they're two totally different tools.
The dumbbell forces the user to engage the upper arms to perform the lifts.
Kettlebell lifts are powered in a different way.
During the exercise, the kettlebell is an arm extension, and the user only holding it.
The proper form is to engage the body core, and you do that by pushing with your feet explosively.
That forces your abdominal muscles, as well as other muscle groups around the buttocks region to contract.
That forces the power into a hip thrust...
Engaging the core muscle group, the gluteus maximus, and works the inner leg muscles.
When the right technique is applied, your body gets 2 different types of exercise activity.
Strength training and cardiovascular training - all from the one workout routine.
It's a twofold benefit which no other workout routine, or fitness equipment can offer.
The kettlebell does, and that's exactly why the reason why every woman should be armed with at least the one kettlebell.
They're the ultimate weapon in the fight against inner thigh fat.
On the topic of fat burning this next part is fundamental to understand.
Building muscle is critical for the body to burn fat.
The more muscle mass, the faster the fat will fall off.
That is why the kettlebells workouts are as efficient and ought to be used over any creams that tighten skin cells.
To burn fat, you need to build muscle.
You can get that with kettlebells, or just the 1 kettlebell.
What you're not going to find happening is getting Popeye like arms.
The cardio training involved in the routines ensure that's not going to happen.
The cardio training burns the fat, whilst the strength training allows for muscular gains, helping the body burn even more fat, from the instant you put the kettlebell down.
The great part of it is that you only need the one single kettlebell to make a start.
Starting out light on the weight will work best as there are some fast-paced motions involved in some workouts.
You're likely to find with heavier bell, it'll slow the pace down to a grind, when you lose the benefits from the fast moving nature of training routines.
To gain the fast momentum, the lighter the kettlebell the better.
The best for beginners being a six KG kettlebell, with beginner sets available too.
The six KG weight should only be used just until you get into practice, and get used to the lifting techniques used.
Usually a month or so is sufficient.
Subsequent to that, you should train with progression in mind, both in terms of your level of training, as well as the weight you exercise with.
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