- Your pit bull can recognize simple signs and react to them appropriately. Set up a system of signals for your dog so it can react accordingly. For example, you can use a clicking device to train your dog. Condition your pit bull to recognize the clicking sound and perform a task you associated with the sound in previous training sessions. You can teach your pit bull to sit, roll over or lie down when you make the sound.
- Pit bulls have a strong clan mentality. It's up to you to set the hierarchy or your pit bull will assume it is the boss in your household, which can cause big problems. Show your dog that it doesn't have free run of the house; give it consistent discipline from a young age. Speak firmly with your pit bull, but never yell or strike it. Let it know when it does something you don't like. Never back down if it challenges your authority.
- Pit bulls are affectionate creatures that demand a lot of attention. Sometimes, its methods for getting attention can result in improper behavior. Ignore these ploys and do not give it any satisfaction. When your pit bull jumps up out of excitement, step back and do not say anything. Cross your arms and turn away every time it puts its paws on you. Instead, give it the attention it craves when it does something you want it to do. Praise it and pet it when it sits or lies down.
- Your pit bull may not be the only one who needs training. Control your voice; your pit bull takes cues from your verbal tone. This means that even if you are having a bad day, level out your tone before you interact with your pit bull. Hearing a displeased tone when it's behaving will sends a mixed signal to the dog. Be consistent when training your pit bull. Always use the appropriate voice tone when reacting to its actions.
Creating Signals
Be the Boss
Change Behavior Patterns
Control Your Voice