Sleep apnea has now become quite a common medical condition that affects almost 10% of the population.
It has been seen that it is the male population that is mostly affected with this condition while post menopausal women are more at risk of being diagnosed with this sleeping disorder.
With the rise in the numbers of people affected with sleep apnea it is important to understand exactly what this condition is.
It is best to understand about this condition to help people cope with sleeping issues by examining its causes, risks, and symptoms, and educate people of the different treatments available.
What is this sleeping disorder? This sleeping disorder is a medical condition where a person's breathing stops for a period of ten to twenty seconds or is reduced considerably by almost 25% of the actual breathing capacity.
Because of this the level of oxygen transmitted to the blood reduces by almost 4% paving the way for several other health risks and disorders.
Health concerns with Sleeping Disorders There are a number of health risks associated with this sleeping issue.
It is always best to consult your doctor on the health issues related with this disorder.
Some of the common medical conditions associated with sleep issue are: oHeart diseases oBlood pressure problems oStroke oThyroid problems oMemory and concentration problems oIrritability, mood swings and depression oSexual dysfunction oThyroid problems oConstant and excessive sleepiness Causes It is important to understand some of the main causes with this disorder.
Though there is no one or absolute cause that can be linked to this disorder, it can be said that there are a number of reasons that can be linked with this condition.
Some of the most prominent causes of sleep apnea can be listed as follows: oBeing overweight oMore than moderate use of sedatives, stimulants or recreational drugs oSmall nasal passage, large adenoids or tonsils oCongested nasal passage because of cold or allergies oA deviated nasal septum Symptoms One of the most common symptoms associated with this sleeping issue is snoring.
There are a number of other symptoms along with snoring that can be linked to sleep apnea.
As this condition takes place when one is sleeping, it is difficult to identify if one has sleep apnea or not.
Your sleep issue will teach you how to listen to your body to understand what it tells you so that you can take adequate help from your medical practitioner or visit a sleep specialist.
Some of the symptoms of sleep issue, apart from snoring, are: oFatigue even after a full nights sleep oConcentration and memory issues oConstant feeling of exhaustion oBeing emotionally unstable oAnger management issues oTendency of falling asleep while doing stationary activities oDependence on stimulants to stay awake
It has been seen that it is the male population that is mostly affected with this condition while post menopausal women are more at risk of being diagnosed with this sleeping disorder.
With the rise in the numbers of people affected with sleep apnea it is important to understand exactly what this condition is.
It is best to understand about this condition to help people cope with sleeping issues by examining its causes, risks, and symptoms, and educate people of the different treatments available.
What is this sleeping disorder? This sleeping disorder is a medical condition where a person's breathing stops for a period of ten to twenty seconds or is reduced considerably by almost 25% of the actual breathing capacity.
Because of this the level of oxygen transmitted to the blood reduces by almost 4% paving the way for several other health risks and disorders.
Health concerns with Sleeping Disorders There are a number of health risks associated with this sleeping issue.
It is always best to consult your doctor on the health issues related with this disorder.
Some of the common medical conditions associated with sleep issue are: oHeart diseases oBlood pressure problems oStroke oThyroid problems oMemory and concentration problems oIrritability, mood swings and depression oSexual dysfunction oThyroid problems oConstant and excessive sleepiness Causes It is important to understand some of the main causes with this disorder.
Though there is no one or absolute cause that can be linked to this disorder, it can be said that there are a number of reasons that can be linked with this condition.
Some of the most prominent causes of sleep apnea can be listed as follows: oBeing overweight oMore than moderate use of sedatives, stimulants or recreational drugs oSmall nasal passage, large adenoids or tonsils oCongested nasal passage because of cold or allergies oA deviated nasal septum Symptoms One of the most common symptoms associated with this sleeping issue is snoring.
There are a number of other symptoms along with snoring that can be linked to sleep apnea.
As this condition takes place when one is sleeping, it is difficult to identify if one has sleep apnea or not.
Your sleep issue will teach you how to listen to your body to understand what it tells you so that you can take adequate help from your medical practitioner or visit a sleep specialist.
Some of the symptoms of sleep issue, apart from snoring, are: oFatigue even after a full nights sleep oConcentration and memory issues oConstant feeling of exhaustion oBeing emotionally unstable oAnger management issues oTendency of falling asleep while doing stationary activities oDependence on stimulants to stay awake