- She'll enjoy playing with -- or against -- her father at the bowling center.Ryan McVay/Lifesize/Getty Images
Reserve a few lanes at the local bowling center for a "bowling with the boys" celebration. Let the dads offer a guiding hand or friendly competition to their daughters as they enjoy each other's company. Select a bowling center that has pizza, hot dogs or other child-friendly refreshments for the father-daughter teams to enjoy after the games. - Dad will enjoy giving her a few pointers along the course.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Have the girls go toe to toe with their fathers for a round of golf. Pick a miniature golf course and tee up for a father and daughter celebration that will generate smiles. Consider joining with other troops in the area for a father-daughter miniature golf tournament. Ask local businesses to provide small prizes or incentives. Use this opportunity to raise funds for the troop as well as enjoying a bonding experience. - Encourage her to dress up to dance with Dad.Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty Images
Give girls a memorable experience with their dads by holding a father-daughter dance. Host the dance in your troop's weekly meeting place or another event space. Encourage the girls and their fathers to dress up for the event. Pin boutonnieres on dads and present corsages to the girls. Enlist the help of an event photographer; a troop leader will suffice. - Host a cookout with some entertaining games.Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images
Host a party for dads and daughters, and invite them to your home to celebrate their special relationship. In summer, hold the celebration outside and fire up the grill. Encourage games between the pairs, such as a bubble gum blowing contest, an egg and spoon race or bobbing for apples. Indoor activities could include karaoke or a game of "how well do you know your daughter?" List questions for dads to answer about their girls, and expect some amusing answers.
Bowling With the Boys
Golf With the Guys
Father-Daughter Dance
Dad and Daughter Date