- Gold is the customary choice for a woman's wedding band, so it makes sense that it would be the most commonly chosen one for men as well. One reason for this is so that the bride and grooms' wedding bands match (to an extent). It also is fairly easy to change the size of a gold band should the groom put on a lot of weight later in life. Don't select a high carat band, since men are more likely to damage the softer metal.
- Platinum looks like a light-colored silver. It is very hard, but it is also heaver than a similar sized silver or even gold ring. It is also much more costly than gold, and the groom might object to spending that much money on it. Silver is a less expensive choice than the others, but a silver wedding band has certain disadvantages. For example, it is very soft and easily scratched or damaged. It also rusts and tarnishes more quickly than the others, which means it will have to be cleaned frequently. On the other hand, it is easy to alter or adjust.
- Titanium is a good choice for a men's wedding band because it is almost indestructible and very resistant to scratching. It is lightweight and is often used for military purposes like subs, jets and tanks, which gives it a certain macho appeal the groom might like. One problem with titanium is that it cannot be resized, so you will have a problem if the groom bulks up later. To address this, you might want to get it in a slightly larger size.
- Like titanium, tungsten is a hard metal that is very durable and scratch resistant. Tungsten bands have a darker gray-white color that has become more popular in the early 21st century for its modern look and cheaper price than gold and silver. However, some disadvantages to tungsten bands include the heavier weight of the metal and its inability to be resized.
Gold Bands
Platinum and Silver Bands
Titanium Bands
Tungsten Bands