Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Improving Elementary Sports Team

Drive Block

When talking about the fundamentals of a great offense or defense, you have to know what a good driving and blocking techniques are. Hence the name for the most common drive: the drive block. It is a simple yet effective way to move your opponent. If the Defensive lineman is aligned slightly to the right of the offensive linemen then the drive block with pus the defender to the right. When executing this block start with your play side foot, meaning if the play is on the right side of you it will be your right foot. Bring the other foot up quickly and make a solid contact for your drive.

Ball handling Drill: Hot potato

This drill is used to increase players ball handling skills on the field. The secret to this drill is having the ball constantly moving around and from hand to hand. The drill is simple and starts by having the player pass the ball around their head, torso, arms, knees, and even between their feet from one hand to another in constant motion.

In this drill the coaches responsibility is to observe the smoothness of the drill, and to also shout commands of body positions to move the ball around, and also to reverse the direction of the football. The reverse option is an important command as it will keep the players on their toes and focuses on concentration and ball handling.

At the very end of the drill the players will do several simple drops. This means that the player will drop the football and retrieve it again quickly. It will also help to change the hand that the players uses to pick up the ball to ensure both hands are learning this technique.

Playbook Practicing

Practicing the plays is fun, and also very important. When you master your part of the play it will strengthen your team and yourself. In order to start learning a play, make sure that you first pay attention to the instructions when they are given. As you start to practice the play make sure to slow it down, there is no sense in practicing errors. As always, when learning a new play don't hesitate to ask for individual help to master the techniques needed. The last helpful hint that we want you to learn is the power of visualization. Go over the plays in your mind, over and over again. Make your mind work them out and your muscles memorize them even when you sleep

Points on tackling safely and effectively

Learning how to perform a proper tackle is fundamental to the game of football. If executed poorly not only will you not succeed in stopping the offensive team, but you could possibly injure yourself in the process. When you tackle your opponent remember three important steps:

First, you need to stop the opponent quickly so make sure to place yourself directly in front of the opponents path. Plant your cleats in the grass squarely in front and in the middle, bisecting the player in half. Also, at this time thrust your arms backward to prepare for the next step.

Second, push your other foot keeping your knees low and bent, and in sync with your feet throw your hands up hard around the offensive player. Now is the time that injuries can happen. Never, ever, ever tackle with the top of your head down, keep it up and square against your opponent. Tell yourself, or your players to imagine that they are biting the football.

Third, throw your hips up and hard as you drive the offensive player backwards. The more momentum that you bring to the table on steps two and three the more effective your speed will be in this last step.
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