Even though the Barbie doll image of a large and perky chest does not weigh as heavily in the public mind anymore, women from all around the globe still love to have them.
The current trend is for a more athletic and proportioned figure, which still has plastic surgeons busy, but more women are choosing a more natural-looking figure.
"A friend of mine, after nursing two children, basically had no breasts left.
There was only sagging skin.
She opted for saline, went for a full B and absolutely loves it.
For her, the risks and discomfort were worth the reward and, as far as I know, she has had no regrets.
She also loves the fact that she can get away with wearing no bra in the summer with tank tops or evening formal wear.
" Beate F.
, 48, Atlanta, GA.
Breast implants can, however, potentially interfere with mammograms, self examinations, and nursing, so you need to be sure you are educated on how these health issues will affect you.
Special instructions are available for mammograms and self exams with implants.
Also, if you think you may breast feed in the future, certain surgical precautions can be taken with implantation.
Another risk involved is that this may not be a one-time surgical procedure, and the effects are not guaranteed for the rest of your lifetime.
Breast implants invariably leak, and you will need to have replacements.
Or you may decide you no longer want to be a buxom D ...
you would really like to be a curvy C.
There are many reasons why natural breasts may not be as perfect as their owner would like them to be ...
asymmetry, sagging due to weight loss or breast feeding, or simple having small breasts due to heredity.
Often, women opt for a breast lift along with the implant.
You have two choices for the type of material: * silicone * saline Both types have a silicone rubber "shell," but as their name indicates, one is filled with silicone, while the other is filled with a saline solution.
Saline is water with a high concentration of salt, which can be made to match the human body.
took silicone breast implants off the market, citing concerns over their safety, including how often they ruptured in a woman's body and whether leaking silicone could lead to diseases as some women claimed.
Silicone was temporarily taken off the market by the FDA in the 90s because of concerns over their safety.
At the time the concerns were how often they ruptured and whether leaking could lead to diseases as some women claimed.
However, an improved version was reintroduced and approved in 2006 amid much media coverage and excitement by women across the United States.
According to FDA studies, side effects are still common with both types in the first few years.
They include, but are not restricted to: * pains * nipple numbness * secondary surgeries required * possible interference with nursing * toxic shock syndrome You want to enjoy your new figure and the self-confidence boost, so be sure to thoroughly research your surgeon, the types of implants available, and the contour and texture of implants.
Make sure, your plastic surgeon is board certified.
The ultimate goal is for your body to be safe and healthy, and for you to enjoy your new figure.
Transformation after surgery is amazing; plastic surgeons report that a fuller chest usually means bigger smiles and greater self esteem in their patients.
The current trend is for a more athletic and proportioned figure, which still has plastic surgeons busy, but more women are choosing a more natural-looking figure.
"A friend of mine, after nursing two children, basically had no breasts left.
There was only sagging skin.
She opted for saline, went for a full B and absolutely loves it.
For her, the risks and discomfort were worth the reward and, as far as I know, she has had no regrets.
She also loves the fact that she can get away with wearing no bra in the summer with tank tops or evening formal wear.
" Beate F.
, 48, Atlanta, GA.
Breast implants can, however, potentially interfere with mammograms, self examinations, and nursing, so you need to be sure you are educated on how these health issues will affect you.
Special instructions are available for mammograms and self exams with implants.
Also, if you think you may breast feed in the future, certain surgical precautions can be taken with implantation.
Another risk involved is that this may not be a one-time surgical procedure, and the effects are not guaranteed for the rest of your lifetime.
Breast implants invariably leak, and you will need to have replacements.
Or you may decide you no longer want to be a buxom D ...
you would really like to be a curvy C.
There are many reasons why natural breasts may not be as perfect as their owner would like them to be ...
asymmetry, sagging due to weight loss or breast feeding, or simple having small breasts due to heredity.
Often, women opt for a breast lift along with the implant.
You have two choices for the type of material: * silicone * saline Both types have a silicone rubber "shell," but as their name indicates, one is filled with silicone, while the other is filled with a saline solution.
Saline is water with a high concentration of salt, which can be made to match the human body.
took silicone breast implants off the market, citing concerns over their safety, including how often they ruptured in a woman's body and whether leaking silicone could lead to diseases as some women claimed.
Silicone was temporarily taken off the market by the FDA in the 90s because of concerns over their safety.
At the time the concerns were how often they ruptured and whether leaking could lead to diseases as some women claimed.
However, an improved version was reintroduced and approved in 2006 amid much media coverage and excitement by women across the United States.
According to FDA studies, side effects are still common with both types in the first few years.
They include, but are not restricted to: * pains * nipple numbness * secondary surgeries required * possible interference with nursing * toxic shock syndrome You want to enjoy your new figure and the self-confidence boost, so be sure to thoroughly research your surgeon, the types of implants available, and the contour and texture of implants.
Make sure, your plastic surgeon is board certified.
The ultimate goal is for your body to be safe and healthy, and for you to enjoy your new figure.
Transformation after surgery is amazing; plastic surgeons report that a fuller chest usually means bigger smiles and greater self esteem in their patients.