Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Stop Snoring Device - Which is the Right One For Me?

Snoring is a problem that people do not like to deal with.
It can be quite embarrassing and can keep hinder the sleep of others.
While occasional snoring can be caused by a clogged nose, allergies, or just being plain tired; in some cases there may be something more to worry about, especially when it is chronic.
Studies show that snoring can be a cause for leading illnesses like some types of diabetes, cardiac problems, stroke and increased blood pressure.
Luckily there are many different stop snoring devices that can be used to help the condition.
Mouth pieces are one of the most convenient stop snoring devices around.
These are very similar to mouth pieces that athletes wear.
Made from material that can easily be shaped, it follows the contour of the mouth for a perfect fit.
It is made to fit on the top and bottom of the mouth around the teeth and works by fixing the position of the jaw.
This will allow the airway of the wearer to be opened and prevents the soft tissues in the mouth from shaking, thereby preventing snoring.
While mouth pieces are a good option they may not be the best option if you are on a low budget.
For those who would want something that is a lot friendlier on the pocket, nasal strips could be the answer.
These resemble band aids but are a bit more slender.
They have an adhesive which allows them to be placed in the bridge of the nose.
Doing this will pull the nostril and open up the airways for easier breathing, resulting in reduced or eliminated snoring.
On the other hand, a stop snoring device that is at the high end of cost is a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, also known as CPAP.
This device is used for ventilation therapy and makes use of a mask and tube connected to a ventilator machine.
Used primarily for sleep apnea, it provides a steady supply of air which has been dehumidified.
Drawbacks of a CPAP machine are the high price, discomfort, and general appearance that it has.
For those who do not desire to put anything on or want to bother with procedures, a contour pillow can help.
Unlike your normal pillow, this special head rest is specially shaped so that the head is properly aligned with the spine and neck.
It will also allow users to sleep on their sides rather than on their back.
Keeping this kind of position will allow the airways to stay opened.
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