- 1). Fill the bottom of the planter with gravel for better drainage. Place the ficus tree in top of the gravel and pour soil around the tree's roots. Water the ficus tree immediately to help the soil settle.
- 2). Leave the ficus in a place where it receives direct sunlight. Keep the temperature at or above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the ficus plant indoors all year. Ficus bonsai trees are sensitive to weather changes, and exposure to too much cold or heat will damage the tree.
- 3). Water the plant thoroughly. The soil should be moist at all times, but not saturated, as this can cause root damage. Check if the soil is damp by sticking a finger into the soil.
- 4). Trim yellow leaves if they appear. Check the branches regularly for signs of damage or disease, and remove any sick or broken branches. Trim branches annually to keep the shape of the bonsai tree consistent. Remove small branches near the trunk of the ficus, and cut the ends of any straggling branches.
- 5). Re-pot the tree once every two years, or once a year if its roots begin to take over the planter more quickly. Trim the roots with bonsai pruning shears so they are only 3 to 5 inches long. Place the ficus back in the planter and add fresh soil. Water the ficus immediately.