Getting rid of snoring is essential if you or your partner suffers from it.
Not only is snoring embarrassing but it should be taken as assign of impending health problems.
Of all the sleep related problems, snoring is one of the most irritating and severe of all sleep related problems.
Snoring is one of the leading reasons of sleep apnea and that is the reason that every snorer should start looking for a remedial measure to stop snoring.
'Apnea' is taken from Greek which means 'absence of breathing' and basically it means that you stop breathing during sleep.
That should be able to help you get the picture how fatal this can be.
Broadly classified into two categories, it is categorized as Obstructive Sleep Apnea and central Sleep Apnea.
The Obstructive Sleep Apnea is one of the most common forms of snoring related sleep disorders which occurs when the throat muscles relax and tissues fall back into the throat, causing undue blockages while breathing.
The other condition, Central Sleep Apnea occurs when the brain does not send proper signals to the respiratory muscles which control respiration during sleep.
However, snoring has been directly linked to Apnea as the throat muscles and trachea work in coordination to breathe and while the person sleeps, the muscles relax leading to constant collapse of tissue and narrowing of the trachea.
The constant vibration as air passes through narrow air passages leads to the obnoxious noise that is known as snoring.
The main issue that need to be dealt with this disease is that the person actually stops breathing for a few seconds which can be fatally damaging.
Another startling fact about it is that it affects anyone at any age but is more prominent in older adult males.
With changing lifestyle and sedentary living, even children are being diagnosed with it.
However, a lot of research has pinpointed a few crucial reasons that lend a helping hand to snoring and apnea to develop, which are: o Increase in weight and obesity lead to excess fat deposits in the neck area and even increase the tissue formation in air passages and trachea.
o Age and sex is also a factor.
Older men have higher chances of developing it than women of the same age.
o Alcohol consumption increases snoring as it relaxes the muscles in the body including the throat muscles.
o Smoking adds to snoring as it inflames the upper respiratory track and leads to narrowing of the air passages.
o Tonsillitis and enlarged adenoids can block air passages leading to both snoring and sleep apnea.
Even though it can turn fatal and has many other serious issues that need to be addressed to stop negative health effects.
Depletion of oxygen in the brain is a direct issue and leads to poor concentration, constant drowsiness and lack of alertness in the brain.
With overall drop in the oxygen supply to the brain makes carbon dioxide levels rise leading to intense toxic built up which is another cause of heart attacks and strokes.
To begin with a stop snoring remedy might prove to nip the bud and help you get better health also.
Not only is snoring embarrassing but it should be taken as assign of impending health problems.
Of all the sleep related problems, snoring is one of the most irritating and severe of all sleep related problems.
Snoring is one of the leading reasons of sleep apnea and that is the reason that every snorer should start looking for a remedial measure to stop snoring.
'Apnea' is taken from Greek which means 'absence of breathing' and basically it means that you stop breathing during sleep.
That should be able to help you get the picture how fatal this can be.
Broadly classified into two categories, it is categorized as Obstructive Sleep Apnea and central Sleep Apnea.
The Obstructive Sleep Apnea is one of the most common forms of snoring related sleep disorders which occurs when the throat muscles relax and tissues fall back into the throat, causing undue blockages while breathing.
The other condition, Central Sleep Apnea occurs when the brain does not send proper signals to the respiratory muscles which control respiration during sleep.
However, snoring has been directly linked to Apnea as the throat muscles and trachea work in coordination to breathe and while the person sleeps, the muscles relax leading to constant collapse of tissue and narrowing of the trachea.
The constant vibration as air passes through narrow air passages leads to the obnoxious noise that is known as snoring.
The main issue that need to be dealt with this disease is that the person actually stops breathing for a few seconds which can be fatally damaging.
Another startling fact about it is that it affects anyone at any age but is more prominent in older adult males.
With changing lifestyle and sedentary living, even children are being diagnosed with it.
However, a lot of research has pinpointed a few crucial reasons that lend a helping hand to snoring and apnea to develop, which are: o Increase in weight and obesity lead to excess fat deposits in the neck area and even increase the tissue formation in air passages and trachea.
o Age and sex is also a factor.
Older men have higher chances of developing it than women of the same age.
o Alcohol consumption increases snoring as it relaxes the muscles in the body including the throat muscles.
o Smoking adds to snoring as it inflames the upper respiratory track and leads to narrowing of the air passages.
o Tonsillitis and enlarged adenoids can block air passages leading to both snoring and sleep apnea.
Even though it can turn fatal and has many other serious issues that need to be addressed to stop negative health effects.
Depletion of oxygen in the brain is a direct issue and leads to poor concentration, constant drowsiness and lack of alertness in the brain.
With overall drop in the oxygen supply to the brain makes carbon dioxide levels rise leading to intense toxic built up which is another cause of heart attacks and strokes.
To begin with a stop snoring remedy might prove to nip the bud and help you get better health also.