- 1). The first step is to date the check in the upper right hand corner. A 1/1/09 format is fine.
- 2). Now you need to endorse the check. If you are shopping at Target, you will need to endorse the check to Target. So on the line that says "Pay to the order of" you would simply write, "Target". If it is a smaller business you may need to ask the person who you should write the check out to.
- 3). You will then need to write the amount on the line below the endorsement. If the amount is $50, then you would write "Fifty dollars and 00/100". The amount must be written out in words and the cents at the end. For example if it were $50.25 then it would look like this "Fifty dollars and 25/100".
- 4). On the right of the check you will see a small box where you write the amount in numbers. So that is where you would put "$50.25".
- 5). At the bottom left corner of the check you have a "memo" line. This is where you can write what you are purchasing or what services you are paying for. If you are paying to have your dog groomed, then simply put "Dog grooming".
- 6). The last step is to Sign your name on the bottom right line of the check. Sign your name in the format that the bank has your name listed.
- 7). Remember to write the check number, the amount, and where the check was wrote to in the check register for future check book balancing.