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Aquarium Acronyms M through Z

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- M -
Ma- MiliAmps
MACNA - Marine Aquaria Conference of North America, held annually
MASNA - Marine Aquarium Societies of North America
MCF Midwest Coral Farms, a well known coral farm in the Chicago area.
MD - Marine Depot, a well known mail order company.
MEQ/L - Milli-Equivalents per Liter, a measure of alkalinity.

Mg - Magnesium, a trace mineral
mg/L – Milligrams Per Liter, 1 mg/L = 1 ppm (parts per million).
MGOCPM - Miracle Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix
MH - Metal Halide light
Milli - Acropora Millepora, a coral.
MJ - MaxiJet, a powerhead/water pump manufacturer.
MM - Miracle Mud, a method of aquarium filtration.
MO - Mail order
MTS - Malaysian Trumpet Snail
MTS - Mega Tank Syndrome
MTS - Mineralized Top Soil
MTS - Multiple Tank Syndrome
MV - Mercury vapor, type of HID lighting
Mv - MilliVolts
MW - Microworms

- N -
N - Nitrogen
Na - Sodium
NaCO3 – Sodium Carbonate
NaOH – Sodium Hydroxide
Nems - Anemones
Neos - Neocaridina, a genus of shrimp.
NH3 - Ammonia, a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen.
NH4 - Ammonium, a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen.
nm - NanoMeter, commonly used as a unit for wavelength(color) of light
NNR - Natural Nitrate Reduction, or Natural Nutrient Reduction
NO - Normal Output, standard wattage fluorescent lights used in aquariums.
NO2 - Nitrite, a product of ammonia oxidation
NO3 - Nitrate, a result of nitrites converted by Nitrobacter bacteria
NPS - Non PhotoSynthetic
NSW - Natural Sea Water
NTS - New Tank Syndrome

- O -
O2 - Oxygen, a colorless, tasteless, odorless gaseous element OEBT - Orange Eye Blue/Black Tiger shrimp
OHM - Over Halfmoon, a Betta fin type.

ORA/b>Oceans, Reefs, and Aquariums, a well known aquaculture company.
ORP - Oxidation Reduction Potential, a measure of a system's capacity to oxidize material.

- P -
P - Phosphorus
P04 – Phosphate
PA - Premium Aquatics, a mail order aquarium livestock company.
PAR - Parabolic Aluminized Reflector
PAR - Photosynthetically Active Radiation
PBT - Powder Blue Tang
PC Power Compact fluorescent light
PE - Polyp Extension, a reference to corals.
PFS - Pool Filter Sand
pH – Potential Hydrogen, a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
PH - Power Head
PK - Plakat, a type of Betta.
PMDD - Poor Man's Daily (or Dosing) Drops, an inexpensive homemade nutrient program.
PO4 - Phosphate
pods - Short for Copepods
POTM - Picture Of The Month
PP - Per Polyp
PP - Potassium Permanganate, a substance used to kill snails, snail eggs, pests, and algae on plants.
PPM - Parts Per Million, 1 ppm = 1 mg/L
PPT - Parts Per Thousand
PS - Protein Skimmer, a device used to remove proteins from saltwater.
PSI - Pounds per Square Inch
PVC - Poly Vinyl Chloride, used for piping and plumbing.
PWC - Partial Water Change

- Q -
QT - Quarantine Tank
QT - Quart

- R -
RBTA - Red/Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
RC - Reef Crystals, a popular brand of aquarium salt.
RCS - Red Cherry Shrimp, Neocardinia heteropoda var. 'red'
RDSB - Remote Deep Sand Bed
Rics – Ricordia, a relatively easy to care for coral.
RO - Reverse Osmosis, a type of water purification.
RO/DI - Reverse Osmosis, followed by DeIonization, a type of water purification.
RR - Reef Ready, aquaria with pre-drilled holes and overflows.
RS - Red Sea, a well known brand name.
RTBS - Red Tailed Black Shark
RTN - Rapid Tissue Necrosis, protozoal infection of corals; can be rapidly fatal if not treated.
RUGF – Reverse flow UnderGravel Filter

- S -
SAE - Siamese Algae Eater, Crossocheilus oblongus
SAL - Salinity
SD - Super Delta, a Betta fin type.
SDT - Super Deltatail, a Betta fin type.
SE - Single Ended
SG - Specific Gravity, a measurement of saltwater density.
Si – Silicon
SiO2 – Silicon dioxide
SnS - Swap n' Shop
SOM - Soil Organic Matter
SPS - Small Polyped Scleractinian, stony corals with very small polyps.
SPT - Spadetail, a Betta fin type.
Sr - Strontium, an alkaline earth metal.
SSB - Shallow Sand Bed, a bed of sand typically less than 3" deep.
ST - Single Tail, a Betta fin type.
STF - Single Tail female, a Betta fin type.
STM - Single Tail male, a Betta fin type.
STN - Sudden Tissue Necrosis, protozoal infection of corals; can be rapidly fatal if not treated.
SW - Salt Water or Sea Water

- T -
T5HO - T5 High Output light bulbs
T5NO - T5 Normal Output light bulbs
TDS - Total Dissolved Solids, the portion of solids in water that can pass through a 2 micron filter.
TFC - Thin Film Composite, a type of RO membrane.
TOC - Total organic carbon
TOTM - Tank Of The Month
Trachy - Trachyphyllia, a genus of large polyp stony corals.

- U -
UG - Utricularia graminifolia, small perennial carnivorous plant
UGF - Under Gravel Filter, a method of aquarium filtration
ULNS - Ultra Low Nutrient System
UV - Ultra Violet, a spectrum of light.

- V -
V - Volt
vals - Vallisneria, a genus of freshwater aquatic plant.
VE - Vinegar Eels
VHO -Very High Output, a type of fluorescent light.
VT - Veiltail, a Betta fin type.

- W -
W - Watts, a unit of power
W/D - Wet-dry, a method of aquarium filtration
W/gal - Watts per Gallon
WC - Water Change
WC/PWC - Water Change/Partial Water Change
WCMM - White Cloud Mountain Minnow
WD -Wet Dry, a method of aquarium filtration
Wellso – Wellsophyllia, a genus of corals.
WPG - Watts Per Gallon, a very rough method of measuring light requirements.
WQ - Water Quality, a degree of water purity.

- X -

- Y -
YWG - Yellow Watchman Goby

- Z -
Z&P - Zoanthids and Palythoa, colonial type corals.
ZC - Zoanthid Coral, a family of corals.
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