- If you have Candida in your mouth, you may experience pain while chewing or swallowing foods and beverages, and the pain may extend down your throat if the fungus spreads.
- Babies with Candida infections may have difficulty with latching onto the breast during breastfeeding or with sucking from a bottle, which can result in poor weight gain and dehydration.
- Candida infections may cause swelling of your tongue, gums, cheeks, palate and the back of your throat, which may cause difficulty with your ability to speak clearly.
- Itching or a tingling or burning sensation may result from Candida in your mouth, and babies who are breastfeeding may transfer the infection to the mother's nipple, causing similar sensations on and around the breast.
- You may notice white or yellowish growths, especially on your tongue, which may appear fuzzy or hairy and are difficult to try to brush or scrape off.
- Candida in your mouth may grow along your gums and lips as well, and can produce sores that may be tender and can bleed if you pick at them.
Poor Latch
Oral Sores