Business & Finance Social Media

What Does Social Bookmarking Got to DO With SEO?

Social bookmarking is on the rise and it is sometimes mentioned in the same sentences as SEO like this one.
However what is social bookmarking and what does it have to do with SEO? In this article I will give a brief description of what social bookmarking is and how it affects your SEO.
Social bookmarking refers to user generated content and as the name suggests it is content that is added by a community that registers to a particular website.
There are many different kinds of social bookmarking websites below I will mention some of the most popular.
Wikipedia Wikipedia is a very popular user created encyclopaedia and is an excellent source of information on about every subject possible.
Just do a search on anything and a Wikipedia enter will almost certainly appear near the top.
However with Wikipedia being added by any source there is no guarantees that the information that it supplies is accurate.
Digg Digg is a website that displays news articles that has been supplied by the general public that they think may be of interest.
Digg has news stories on all different types of subjects imaginable and display a short piece of information about the news story and a link to the website where it is displayed.
Stumbleupon My personal favourite stumbleupon works slightly different from the above social bookmarking websites.
Stumbleupon allows you to download a toolbar that when you visit an interesting webpage you can click on the thumbs up button and submit a review.
This then goes onto your profile for everyone in your network to see.
You can submit videos and even images to stumbleupon.
You can the click on the stumble button to see random websites that other stumblers have found interesting.
Many SEO companies offer social bookmarking for your website design you should visit here to see if social bookmarking is right for you.
So what does social bookmarking got to do with SEO? Well nothing really, however adding your webpage's to these kind of websites can help get exposure for your website however a lot of these sites use the no follow rules to prevent spamming.
The thing to remember with social bookmarking websites is don't try to force your content onto them as if this is not the kind of content that is in favour by the community then it will just be ignored.
A tip here is to do your research and see what content is popular and if this fits your website then by all means add your content.
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