Business & Finance Corporations

The 3 Best Ways To Make Money Online For A Newbie

So you're sick of seeing more bills come in than you have the means of paying, sick of Mr.
Boss breathing down your neck, sick of not being able to buy your kids or significant other the gift they really want, etc.
Here are the best tried and true ways of generating a little extra cash online.
And if you wish, tens of thousands of dollars per month in income.
One thing I've run into when speaking with others about their internet ventures is the fact that when they began their efforts, they were inundated with strategies of making money online and shiny objects promising their dream lifestyle by next week.
Hogwash, I say! One can't make a blanket promise to anyone regarding how much money they will make online.
All they can do is, perhaps, tell how much they've made, then, tell how they did it.
If you're willing to put some work into your online The 3 best ways I've found that one can make money online include the following: 1.
Sell Your Stuff
Walk around your house and I'd bet my bank account on you finding items in your home to make $500 by tomorrow selling items you either don't want, or want and haven't used in 2 years.
You would probably find these items in a matter of 30 minutes.
That's $500 in 30 minutes...
or $1,000 per hour!! What I want you to do after finding these items is open an eBay account, Craigslist account, an online shopping portal account (Google that), an auction site (Google that), and Twitter and Facebook accounts.
You'll then, go to GoDaddy, register for a cheap domain name and to HostGator and register for hosting.
This, my friend, is for your e-commerce online store.
Who knows, even though you'd be doing this for the short-term, perhaps this will turn into an e-commerce, classifieds posting, retailing empire where you're selling yours, as well as, others' household items they no longer use or need.
Sell Your Services
What do you do well? Did you say you're not sure? C'mon, my friend...
Think of what your significant other, spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, friend, even your child has said about you in the past.
If you stop and take the time to think back a little, I bet you'll come up with a few adjectives those people in your life have used to describe you.
When you come up with what they've said, write about it! Then sell those articles.
What have those people close to you asked you to do multiple times in the past? Have they, perhaps, asked you to:
  • Decorate their home or paint a bedroom because you're good with working with colors and textures?
  • Tell them how a particular suit looks with a particular pair of shoes because you're fashionable?
  • Review and edit their resume because you're great with punctuation and formatting?
  • Help them study because you've always done well on tests?
  • Balance their checkbook because numbers don't scaare you?
  • Organize their office space being that you're extremely neat?
  • Keep their kid entertained simply because kids adore you? type a report, as you type 60 wpm?
  • Write out some invitations for them given your great handwriting?
  • Fix their computer because you fixed Uncle Sal's and Cousin Betty's?
  • Take their family's photographs because you know what time of day to take them and how to angle the camera?
I"ll bet you come up with something and I'll bet you come up with something that can be marketed online and done remotely.
I'll have you know, if they've asked you multiple times or you've been asked multiple times by different people, you're good at it! And I'll bet you, if you're just "ok" at what you've been asked to do multiple times, you can easily become great at it, or even an "expert"! When you do come up with something, and you will, turn that into a money-making opportunity by offering your services for pay.
"Hey Sis, I have no problem entertaining little Johnny and Sally for the 3rd time this week, but you'll have to cough up $20 for me to do it!" 3.
Sell Someone Else's Stuff or Services
So you've walked around your home, you've racked your brain trying to come up with a marketable service you can offer, and nothing.
Maybe you just don't have the time to gather items, package them, ship them off, provide 2 hours of service for $20.
Sometimes these are both seen as another job and that may not be what you're looking for per se.
I know many who are working full-time and want something passive.
If this is you, the third best way to make money online is affiliate marketing.
What you would be doing here is selling other people's stuff and services for a percentage of the profit.
The great thing about this strategy is that you don't have to develop a product or manufacture anything.
That work has all been done for you.
You would decide how much money you want to make monthly: $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000? I even know several people doing affiliate marketing who are making over $20,000 per month! Passively! You would then need to decide on the product you want to sell, by going to the specific websites, and looking for the products that are already selling well online, with little competition.
Take a few hours to set up your website and a few hours a day for a couple of weeks to drive traffic to that website, and you're sure to make money on a daily basis.
If you're like most folks, you're wondering what is needed to make the kinds of income stated above.
Any major skills required? Does it require a lot of money? Any experience needed? What about special equipment? No, no, no, and no.
All you need is a detailed, step by step plan to get you started to making fast cash and passively.
And there you have it.
I've shared with you the 3 best ways to make money online.
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