- 1). Go to Bluehost and log into your account to access the cPanel. Click the "Fantastico" icon and find "WordPress" in the left sidebar. Look at the list of currently installed WordPress blogs and check if your blog is still there. Select to install a new WordPress blog if your old blog is missing.
- 2). Scroll down the cPanel screen until you see the list of database tools and click the icon for phpMyAdmin. Find the database for your WordPress installation in the left sidebar and click its link.
- 3). Check the box next to each table in the database and select "Drop" from the drop-down box under the tables. When asked if you really want to perform the drop, click "Yes." Note that there is no way to undo a table drop, so only drop the tables if you are sure you want to delete all of your current WordPress data.
- 4). Click the "Import" tab at the top of the screen. Select your SQL backup file at this screen and click "Go." At the options screen, do not change any settings before starting the actual SQL import.
- 5). Go to your blog and log into the dashboard. Navigate to "Settings" and "Permalinks." Make sure the URL structure you want to use is selected and click "Update" to update your permalinks.