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Indoor Growing Tips for Ornamental Grass


    • Choose a desirable container. Most ornamental grass is adaptable to any growing environment, so the container should be visually appealing. It should have holes at the bottom for proper drainage. Go to a garden center and choose your grass. Look at different varieties to see which works best in your home. Popular grasses include pampas, tender fountain, and zebra grass. Also choose ornamental grass seed or starter plants. Put soil into your container so that it is 3/4 of the way full, then dig a 4-inch hole for the seeds or plant. Always place the seeds or plant 1 to 2 feet apart. Water the soil after planting.


    • Do not add fertilizer to your soil. It often causes the grass to become too lush, making it weak, and causing the blades to bend. During the first year, water the plant regularly to promote a strong system of roots. Water once a week or whenever the soil feel dry to the touch. Watering too much can cause the grass to grow wildly. Some ornamental grasses are invasive, such as some rhizome-forming varieties. If the grass begins to outgrow the original pot, transfer it. If you think the grass needs more nutrients, change the soil or add 1 to 2 inches of compost.


    • Cut back your foliage to promote new and healthy growth. When cutting back your ornamental grass, trim any old growth. If the grass is dry or weak, cut it down. New, healthy grass will often take its place. If you have bought a warm-season grass, even though it is indoors, leave as much foliage as possible if your house stays cold during the winter. Leaving a bit of excess grass will protect it from cold. To prune the grass, use handheld pruners. If you see any diseased or pest-infested areas, cut back the foliage to remove the pests.

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