To change your lifestyle to eating vegetarian and becoming more active, it starts with one step or one habit at a time.
Each habit you create over time will become a lifestyle, it may be a slow process to start with but it makes it easier to stick with in the long run and help in your nutrition success.
This article will give you the first step in creating both your vegetarian lifestyle as well as creating an active lifestyle as well.
The first step to create a vegetarian lifestyle would be to include one serving of fruit or vegetables with every single meal you eat.
When you create this new habit, focus solely on this one step for several of weeks even journaling your experience and what you do.
For example at breakfast, have your fruits or vegetables in something like a smoothie which lots of spinach in it.
If you have a snack before lunch, make it a piece of fruit, and then for lunch have a big salad which includes some vegetables or fruit.
It's important when you choose to make the change to a vegetarian or plant-based eating lifestyle, that you don't become just a "starch-atarian," consuming large amounts of starch only on things like potatoes and pasta.
It's important to consume enough protein, and 80% of your consumption of food should be natural foods.
An example of a good day's diet as far as meals go is this: start your day with something like a big smoothie with lots of fruits and vegetables like spinach, bananas, maybe some blueberries, and of course ice.
You can also use things like chocolate flavored vega, and almond milk.
You can also include kale instead of spinach.
The nice thing about including kale and/or spinach is that you cannot taste it in your smoothie.
This is a nice trick for those who do not like the taste of greens.
After breakfast, a good lunch example would be a large salad with a full cup of chickpeas or beans, or some type other type of protein like that.
You can get healthy fats from adding nuts or seeds.
Also be sure to add plenty of vegetables like peppers or spinach, and even fruit like pineapple.
Pineapple is a great choice because there are many great digestive enzymes in this particular fruit as well as it will sweeten up your salad.
For a quick and easy dinner, make a stir fry with lots of vegetables (kale, peppers, green peas, beans, and/or tofu).
It's great to throw in some healthy oil like walnut or sesame oil and some nuts or seeds for healthy fats.
The first step in creating your active lifestyle is to create consistency.
Exercise without consistency isn't going to get you any results.
There isn't a magic program, but it's important to find what works specifically for you and to repeat that on a consistent basis.
Many people start out and do one thing for two weeks time, and then move on to some other new fad.
A major key to having consistency is to have a routine.
Routines may sound boring, but if you know what time you are going to be active or exercise, then you are more likely to stick with it.
Mornings tend to be better for people who choose to exercise, simply because it's easy to talk yourself out of it in the morning or push it off to later in the day, and then you run out of time and it never happens.
Another key is to do something that you enjoy.
Find an activity that you enjoy like martial arts or kickboxing.
Finding a trainer can help as well.
If you join a program with a trainer or a program already in place, this keeps you accountable of having to be there when it starts.
Another tip is to have a partner.
Make sure you choose a partner that is committed to being consistent as well.
Your partner can keep you accountable and vice versa.
Be sure set some goals for yourself.
Set both short-term and long-term goals for yourself so that you can remain consistent.
If you have an idea of where you want to go with your training and what you want to accomplish, it will make your active lifestyle much, much easier.
It will also give you motivation to stay on track when you don't feel like working out or going to the gym.
Each habit you create over time will become a lifestyle, it may be a slow process to start with but it makes it easier to stick with in the long run and help in your nutrition success.
This article will give you the first step in creating both your vegetarian lifestyle as well as creating an active lifestyle as well.
The first step to create a vegetarian lifestyle would be to include one serving of fruit or vegetables with every single meal you eat.
When you create this new habit, focus solely on this one step for several of weeks even journaling your experience and what you do.
For example at breakfast, have your fruits or vegetables in something like a smoothie which lots of spinach in it.
If you have a snack before lunch, make it a piece of fruit, and then for lunch have a big salad which includes some vegetables or fruit.
It's important when you choose to make the change to a vegetarian or plant-based eating lifestyle, that you don't become just a "starch-atarian," consuming large amounts of starch only on things like potatoes and pasta.
It's important to consume enough protein, and 80% of your consumption of food should be natural foods.
An example of a good day's diet as far as meals go is this: start your day with something like a big smoothie with lots of fruits and vegetables like spinach, bananas, maybe some blueberries, and of course ice.
You can also use things like chocolate flavored vega, and almond milk.
You can also include kale instead of spinach.
The nice thing about including kale and/or spinach is that you cannot taste it in your smoothie.
This is a nice trick for those who do not like the taste of greens.
After breakfast, a good lunch example would be a large salad with a full cup of chickpeas or beans, or some type other type of protein like that.
You can get healthy fats from adding nuts or seeds.
Also be sure to add plenty of vegetables like peppers or spinach, and even fruit like pineapple.
Pineapple is a great choice because there are many great digestive enzymes in this particular fruit as well as it will sweeten up your salad.
For a quick and easy dinner, make a stir fry with lots of vegetables (kale, peppers, green peas, beans, and/or tofu).
It's great to throw in some healthy oil like walnut or sesame oil and some nuts or seeds for healthy fats.
The first step in creating your active lifestyle is to create consistency.
Exercise without consistency isn't going to get you any results.
There isn't a magic program, but it's important to find what works specifically for you and to repeat that on a consistent basis.
Many people start out and do one thing for two weeks time, and then move on to some other new fad.
A major key to having consistency is to have a routine.
Routines may sound boring, but if you know what time you are going to be active or exercise, then you are more likely to stick with it.
Mornings tend to be better for people who choose to exercise, simply because it's easy to talk yourself out of it in the morning or push it off to later in the day, and then you run out of time and it never happens.
Another key is to do something that you enjoy.
Find an activity that you enjoy like martial arts or kickboxing.
Finding a trainer can help as well.
If you join a program with a trainer or a program already in place, this keeps you accountable of having to be there when it starts.
Another tip is to have a partner.
Make sure you choose a partner that is committed to being consistent as well.
Your partner can keep you accountable and vice versa.
Be sure set some goals for yourself.
Set both short-term and long-term goals for yourself so that you can remain consistent.
If you have an idea of where you want to go with your training and what you want to accomplish, it will make your active lifestyle much, much easier.
It will also give you motivation to stay on track when you don't feel like working out or going to the gym.