Business & Finance Corporations

Entrepreneur Success Secrets - Wants Vs Desires

The wants vs desires query is very subtle. Your mind may even purposely dismiss its inherent nuances. Yet your answer will reveal how you live your life and work on your business.

WARNING: When you dig down deep enough, your mind may get very agitated and force you to abandon the question. Hopefully, you will be intrigued enough to probe further.

Why Is It Important To Know The Difference Between A Want And A Desire?
Because herein lies the key to creating and sustaining a successful life. Some entrepreneurs prefer satisfying their wants and see desires as frivolous or at best, fantasies. Others may say that both are important and it really depends on the particular situation. Still others may already be living in the Consciousness of their Vision while going about their day to day activities.

Fair enough. To answer this question we have to know - what is a want? A want comes out of some kind of lack, and is often driven by fear or pain. This can lead us to take courage, create a powerful strategic focus or wallow in anxiety and self-doubt. A desire on the other hand, is a promise already living in the heart of the entrepreneur and is driven by the innate motivation to complete that desire. So, let us ask the deeper question.

What is your motivation behind what you do? Ask yourself why you got up this morning - to put food on the table and have extra money in the bank for those special luxuries for yourself and your dear ones? Or is it to pay off your debts and try to get ahead of the game? Or, maybe you want to make so much money that you can retire early to pursue that favorite hobby or travel the world. It may be to do what you love while giving back to others.

Why Do You Desire Success?
Seek the answer. Be honest. Be especially true to yourself here. Take a few moments to go inside to get your own answer. If other questions arise, that is good. Just keep probing till your answer rings true for you. The more you write down your answers, the more clearly you will understand your own motivations and the more powerful you will become. It will make you less dependent on outside conditions for your success. Now, what was hidden can be revealed.

This work is unique to you. No one else can do it for you. Your own mind will try to take over the job of your Consciousness and make you forget who you are. Beyond that there are whole industries, so-called experts and substances waiting to direct your mind to avoid pain or gain some measure of pleasure or wealth. So be wary of those distractors, as well.

I say this because in the past I did allow others undue influence in my life. I became overly dependent on their advice and so-called energetic knowingness. One day I had a rude awakening and it made be realize in no uncertain terms that nobody can break into the sacred territory of my Consciousness unless I allowed them in. It was a great lesson in self-discovery. I also learned that there are no shortcuts to truly knowing yourself. The good, the bad and even the ugly experiences will bring you back into your own Being if you are willing to learn from them.

The Best Teachers Inspire At The Level Of Principles.
They never tell you specifically what you should do with your life. They know that inner breakthroughs must be self-discovered and not prescribed by themselves or others. Ultimately, only you can tap into your infinite Self to realize who you really are and what you want to become in this Universe of infinite possibilities.

REMEMBER THIS: the untrained mind loves to be flattered, appeased and directed. It always rules out of fear and anxiety, unless it is put back in its place by your Consciousness. Once that happens, your mind is set free to explore and help you attain success beyond its wildest imaginings.

So the real work is to develop the mental muscles to overcome the fears and denials of the mind and its conspirators and place trust where it belongs, in your own heart. Now you can allow your deepest desires to bring the success you long for and deserve. At the same time, you will confidently allow others into your life to help you along the way.

May success Be With You!
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