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Explore Newaygo Year Round- Deer Hunting Tips

Newaygo Michigan is a small rural community located in West Michigan, just 30 minutes north of Grand Rapids. Newaygo contains 100,000 acres of Manistee National Forest.

You will need to get a Newaygo County map that indicated areas of the Manistee National Forest because, chances of finding a private landowner willing to let you use his land is slim.

Whitetail deer hunting in these parts is as big as the 4th of July celebration as the school systems shut down for the day of and day after rifle season. This is why you will need to hunt the Manistee National Forest, but there are big deer there.

You will need to walk in a little way to get away from the crowds. Be prepared to walk into areas where other hunters are unwilling to go. Go deep and look for the many low areas and swamps.
Seek out some deer runs, these run will generally run just inside a row of trees or brush along ravines, near creek beds, fence lines, etc. Set up your blind about 40 feet from these runs. You do not want your blind right over a run.

At midday, mature whitetail bucks frequently bed down on high ground next to the edge of heavy cover, within hearing distance of moving water. Identify such places in your hunting territory and check them for signs of large single deer beds. During hunting season, approach these bedding spots cautiously from downwind, and be ready for a close-range shot at a deer rising from its bed.

Move slowly when still-hunting for deer. Take a step or two, and study the terrain around you for anything that doesn't quite fit. If you see deer running away, these are deer that saw you first, a clue that you're moving too fast. The same is true if you have to look down to place your feet. Plan your steps so that you can keep your eyes up, studying the terrain, when you are in motion.

Take your turkey call along when deer hunting: Deer are often reassured by turkey sounds. An occasional turkey feeding call made between bouts of deer grunts and antler rattling gives nearby deer a sense of confidence that your area is safe. After all, turkeys don't feed or talk when they feel endangered.

When a buck track turns downwind and begins to move uphill, assume that the buck is going to bed down. He will probably stop at the edge of heavy cover, on a high spot that offers a view of his surroundings and permits him to see and get the scent of anything following on his back trail. To approach his bedding site without being seen or winded, circle away from his track for roughly 100 yards and then move cautiously parallel to the track. Study the terrain ahead carefully and be alert for any shape that does not quite fit.

Use a handheld propane torch to remove the hairs that always stick to a carcass after skinning. First, wipe off as many hairs as possible with a damp cloth. When the carcass is dry to the touch, singe the remaining hairs with the propane flame just long enough to make them disappear. Better table fare will result. The longer you let your deer hang, the better your game will taste.

When deer are being pushed, they head for high ground and thick cover. If there are a lot of hunters in your area, go to a remote place that offers high ground and thick cover and wait for deer to be pushed to you by the activity of other hunters.

It is best to hang tree stands and cut shooting lanes a full month before you plan to hunt. The scent you leave and the disturbance caused by cutting brush can cause mature bucks to avoid a stand site for some time when it is new. After a month, big bucks will be accustomed to the changes you made and will return to their former haunts.

When searching for a place to locate a deer stand, look for ground scrapes. Bucks make ground scrapes on trails that are often used by does and return frequently to check the scrapes for signs that a doe has shown interest by marking it. Locate your stand where you have a clear shot at the scrape, for that is where the buck will go.

Loading the carcasses of big-game animals into your vehicle or boat is much easier if you first remove the lower legs at the knee joint. Not only do the lower legs tend to catch on things, but they also cause the carcass to take up more space than is really necessary.

When you miss a shot at a deer or other game animal, don't move. Unless your quarry actually sighted or smelled you, the noise of the gun probably caused the animal only momentary alarm. Its initial reaction will be to run for cover and then stop, listen, and watch. If the animal cannot identify the source of the sound, it will usually calm down and return to its natural behavior. Remain still for 20 minutes after missing a shot; then resume hunting. Chances are good that the animal will still be within range.

Dropped antlers in the spring are a sign of where bucks spent time the previous winter. The vicinity in which you find a large dropped antler is also an excellent place to start looking for a big buck late in deer season of the following year. Look in places that offer a food source such as acorns, beechnuts, corn, or apples, close to heavy cover that might offer a quiet hiding place.

When a deer suddenly appears at close range in response to your grunt call or antler rattling doesn't be afraid to move slowly to pick up and shoulder your gun. Deer coming to calls will usually just stop and stare at you, mistaking your movements for those of the deer they were expecting to see.

When you find antler rubs on trees of more than 4 inches in diameter, you are in a big buck's territory. Summertime scouting for a concentration of large rubs made last autumn will tell you where to expect a big buck to show up next deer season. If those old rubs are freshened up again in early autumn, the buck is still alive and still using his old turf.

To make a set of effective, comfortable rattling antlers for deer hunting, choose pair, which is of medium thickness with long tines. They make the clearest sounds. Hacksaw off the brow tines, then, use a rasp to smooth away any burrs or ridges that will make the handle section uncomfortable to grip. Drill 1*4-inch holes through the antler bases, and string them on a carrying cord. An annual coat of linseed oil will preserve the resonance and give the antlers a "live" sound.

Deer move little during heavy rains and snowstorms. However, they actively seek the most nutritious food sources the day after a period of stormy weather ends. On the day after a storm breaks, concentrate your hunt wherever trails lead to feeding areas such as oak groves, beech ridges, or cornfields. Does and fawns will be heading out to feed, and bucks are sure to follow.
Take my word here, I take several deer each year, usually with my car, but I get them and I keep my local body shop guy and insurance agent in business.
I also own and manage several hunting cabins in Newaygo called Hess Lake Vacation Rentals. You can view our website at

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