- 1). Load the image that you want to use onto your computer, either by transferring it from a camera or SD card or by scanning it in. If you choose to use a scanner, set the scanner resolution to at least 600 DPI to insure a quality image.
- 2). Open Photoshop Elements. Select "File" from the menu and click "Open." In the dialog box that pops up, browse to the image you loaded in step 1 and open it.
- 3). Go to the bottom of the "Layers" panel and click on the "New Layer" icon.
- 4). Select the "Polygonal Selection" tool and make a selection of the canvas corresponding to the shape of the lightsaber blade (not including the glow around it). Then use the "Paint Bucket" tool to fill the layer with the color that you want you light saber to be.
- 5). Drag the top layer to the "New Layer" icon twice to create three layers in total, excluding the background image layer.
- 6). Select the second layer from the bottom. Select "Filter," then "Blur" and click "Gaussian Blur." In the dialog, make the setting about 5-20. Repeat this step for each of the above layers, make the blur greater each time.
- 7). Select "File" and click "Save As." Name your file and save it as a JPEG.