Apple cider vinegar has long been used as an effective home remedy for many ailments and it seems that its "magical" curative properties extend to genital warts as well.
It is not clearly understood what reaction takes place and how one can cure genital warts with apple cider vinegar due to the fact that most doctors are not convinced the method works.
However, countless people who have found great success with it are testament to how quickly one can become wart free.
Cure Genital Warts with Apple Cider Vinegar: A Step By Step Approach First, you will need some cotton balls or pads which you will have to soak in apple cider vinegar.
Using band aids or plastic wrap, you will have to place the soaked cotton balls on the affected area and secure them in place.
However, be warned that you will feel a severe burning sensation for at least fifteen minutes.
As they say, forewarned is forearmed.
The burning will subside though, as the area becomes numb.
In any case, you need to remove the cotton balls after no more than an hour or you may end up burning the surrounding skin and unable to continue treatment.
Once you remove the cotton, you should wash away any remaining apple cider vinegar and then apply some tea tree oil for pain relief and some Neosporin for quicker healing.
While the latter are not compulsory, the tea tree oil will greatly improve the effectiveness of the treatment.
It is relatively simple to cure genital warts this way but it is not easy.
The pain alone has deterred many from continuing with their treatment and they have continued to suffer from genital warts.
The key to cure genital warts with apple cider vinegar is not to give up until the very last wart has fallen off, even if it may appear that nothing is happening initially.
It is not clearly understood what reaction takes place and how one can cure genital warts with apple cider vinegar due to the fact that most doctors are not convinced the method works.
However, countless people who have found great success with it are testament to how quickly one can become wart free.
Cure Genital Warts with Apple Cider Vinegar: A Step By Step Approach First, you will need some cotton balls or pads which you will have to soak in apple cider vinegar.
Using band aids or plastic wrap, you will have to place the soaked cotton balls on the affected area and secure them in place.
However, be warned that you will feel a severe burning sensation for at least fifteen minutes.
As they say, forewarned is forearmed.
The burning will subside though, as the area becomes numb.
In any case, you need to remove the cotton balls after no more than an hour or you may end up burning the surrounding skin and unable to continue treatment.
Once you remove the cotton, you should wash away any remaining apple cider vinegar and then apply some tea tree oil for pain relief and some Neosporin for quicker healing.
While the latter are not compulsory, the tea tree oil will greatly improve the effectiveness of the treatment.
It is relatively simple to cure genital warts this way but it is not easy.
The pain alone has deterred many from continuing with their treatment and they have continued to suffer from genital warts.
The key to cure genital warts with apple cider vinegar is not to give up until the very last wart has fallen off, even if it may appear that nothing is happening initially.