Sleep Apnea.
Sleep Apnea is a condition where the airways are restricted while sleeping causing snoring, and awakening through the night as the body responds to the lack of oxygen and the person wakes up suddenly, starts breathing again, falls asleep, wakes again, and breathes, falls asleep and so on through the night time.
Lots of people dont even know that they do this and just know that they are perpetually tired and fatigued.
In some cases the sleeper uses a sleep ,machine to maintain the airways on the open position and in severe cases an operation is necessary to give relief.
I found out by way of using a nutrition program for maintaining weight and for better health.
After just 3 days on the program I was bouncing out of bed.
Feet on the floor and standing up before I actually realised I was there.
The next few days were a breeze and no sleep on the couch before tea time.
I didn't know then what had changed but after a week or so I realised that my sleep pattern had changed significantly.
Then with Springtime no hayfever either.
If you have either of these complaints look at NRG a supplement infused with guarana - an ancient, Amazonian seed with properties similar to caffeine, boosts your energy naturally, while helping improve mental alertness by opening the blood vessels in the head and allowing better oxygenation of the blood.
The guarana extract also helps relieve various ailments including headaches, anxiety, stamina, menstrual pains etc..
and conversely it works to give a good nights sleep when taken immediately before going to sleep by lowering the energy levels of the body.
Sleep Apnea is a condition where the airways are restricted while sleeping causing snoring, and awakening through the night as the body responds to the lack of oxygen and the person wakes up suddenly, starts breathing again, falls asleep, wakes again, and breathes, falls asleep and so on through the night time.
Lots of people dont even know that they do this and just know that they are perpetually tired and fatigued.
In some cases the sleeper uses a sleep ,machine to maintain the airways on the open position and in severe cases an operation is necessary to give relief.
- It is a scary time when you know that for some reason you have awoken, your heart is racing and you have realised that you have hit yourself in the throat for some reason..
- Next day you drag yourself out of bed as if you have hardly slept..
- The days work drags and in bad cases you actually fall asleep at the desk or even more dangerous behind the wheel of the car.
maybe just seconds sometimes for longer.. - Not a good situation to be in by any means.
I found out by way of using a nutrition program for maintaining weight and for better health.
After just 3 days on the program I was bouncing out of bed.
Feet on the floor and standing up before I actually realised I was there.
The next few days were a breeze and no sleep on the couch before tea time.
I didn't know then what had changed but after a week or so I realised that my sleep pattern had changed significantly.
Then with Springtime no hayfever either.
If you have either of these complaints look at NRG a supplement infused with guarana - an ancient, Amazonian seed with properties similar to caffeine, boosts your energy naturally, while helping improve mental alertness by opening the blood vessels in the head and allowing better oxygenation of the blood.
The guarana extract also helps relieve various ailments including headaches, anxiety, stamina, menstrual pains etc..
and conversely it works to give a good nights sleep when taken immediately before going to sleep by lowering the energy levels of the body.