So let's begin.
You want to start making money on the internet but you have no extra money to start it? Well here's a few tips on how you can get started in your money making journey.
Step 1: You need to decide what it is you want to sell online.
Internet marketing is really no different than making money marketing in the regular brick and mortar store.
One difference you will see (and one that makes it all worth while) is that you can be making money from your kitchen table wearing your pajamas.
So, you still can't decide on what to sell? Then do a search on the internet for a Affiliate Program that you can sign up for.
They are usually free to sign up with so go ahead and setup a account.
Congratulations, you have now just become an internet affiliate marketer.
What is an affiliate marketer? Basically an affiliate marketer is someone who advertises "someone else's" product.
The beauty of this is that you promote the vendors product and when someone buys it, you get a percentage of the money made because you made the product available to the buyer for the seller.
Simple isn't it? Ok, now that you have set up your free affiliate account, you need to find a product that you can promote on the internet.
Don't worry about it, this part is easy and you don't even have to buy anything.
Go to the "marketplace" or list of products offered for your affiliate program and scan all the products to find one that you want to promote.
There are different categories to choose from so take your time and find a product that you think would be fun to promote on the net.
Like I mentioned before, you don't need to buy the products you choose, you just need to promote it and drive potential buyers to the vendors sales page.
When this happens, you get a percentage of the sales made through your hard work.
Step 2: Now that we have our product, we need to figure out how we are going to promote it.
How will you promote? That's simple.
One free way to promote your product on the net is by writing articles about the product.
Yes articles.
Just like the one you are reading now.
Write as many articles as you deem necessary to drive the desired amount of free traffic to your products sales page you are promoting.
Not an accomplished writer?No worries, all you need to do is write a article to get people to want to know more about your product then just direct them to your sales page.
Post all these articles on the many free article directories available to you on the internet.
Just do a search for "free article directories and you'll see what I mean.
The sign up process is painless and you will be up and ready to post an article within 10 minutes.
Step 3: Check your mailbox.
You will be getting your checks usually every 2 weeks from the affiliate program you are signed up with.
One important thing to take into consideration with all this is that you need to make sure you pull out the necessary taxes for when Uncle Sam comes looking for his cut.
So there you have it.
3 simple steps to get your online business up and running without any out of pocket expenses.
Now, when you are ready to expand you business, just follow the steps outlined above and do it all over again with a different product.
Its really that easy and many people are making a ton of money doing exactly what Ive outlined above.
If you do decide to do it, drop by and leave me a note, Id like to hear of your success.
You want to start making money on the internet but you have no extra money to start it? Well here's a few tips on how you can get started in your money making journey.
Step 1: You need to decide what it is you want to sell online.
Internet marketing is really no different than making money marketing in the regular brick and mortar store.
One difference you will see (and one that makes it all worth while) is that you can be making money from your kitchen table wearing your pajamas.
So, you still can't decide on what to sell? Then do a search on the internet for a Affiliate Program that you can sign up for.
They are usually free to sign up with so go ahead and setup a account.
Congratulations, you have now just become an internet affiliate marketer.
What is an affiliate marketer? Basically an affiliate marketer is someone who advertises "someone else's" product.
The beauty of this is that you promote the vendors product and when someone buys it, you get a percentage of the money made because you made the product available to the buyer for the seller.
Simple isn't it? Ok, now that you have set up your free affiliate account, you need to find a product that you can promote on the internet.
Don't worry about it, this part is easy and you don't even have to buy anything.
Go to the "marketplace" or list of products offered for your affiliate program and scan all the products to find one that you want to promote.
There are different categories to choose from so take your time and find a product that you think would be fun to promote on the net.
Like I mentioned before, you don't need to buy the products you choose, you just need to promote it and drive potential buyers to the vendors sales page.
When this happens, you get a percentage of the sales made through your hard work.
Step 2: Now that we have our product, we need to figure out how we are going to promote it.
How will you promote? That's simple.
One free way to promote your product on the net is by writing articles about the product.
Yes articles.
Just like the one you are reading now.
Write as many articles as you deem necessary to drive the desired amount of free traffic to your products sales page you are promoting.
Not an accomplished writer?No worries, all you need to do is write a article to get people to want to know more about your product then just direct them to your sales page.
Post all these articles on the many free article directories available to you on the internet.
Just do a search for "free article directories and you'll see what I mean.
The sign up process is painless and you will be up and ready to post an article within 10 minutes.
Step 3: Check your mailbox.
You will be getting your checks usually every 2 weeks from the affiliate program you are signed up with.
One important thing to take into consideration with all this is that you need to make sure you pull out the necessary taxes for when Uncle Sam comes looking for his cut.
So there you have it.
3 simple steps to get your online business up and running without any out of pocket expenses.
Now, when you are ready to expand you business, just follow the steps outlined above and do it all over again with a different product.
Its really that easy and many people are making a ton of money doing exactly what Ive outlined above.
If you do decide to do it, drop by and leave me a note, Id like to hear of your success.