Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Family Fun And Technology

It gives you a good feeling when you see families together enjoying themselves and having a good time. This was a common sight years ago during the fifties and sixties but as the technological age began and expanded children and their parents drifted into different worlds separated by technological barriers. Technology advance and family values and communication retreated. Everything became internet and cellular phones, play stations and Wii.

Even small children live relatively lonely lives immersed in the technological world. This is something that you can remedy though. You do not have to separate them from their world, you have no right to do that because they are the future, and you are the past. You must learn their ways, you must learn how to play their games and use the computer so you can share it with them.

Set off some time every night after supper and after all the homework and chores are done. Sit with them and have them teach you about this new technology they use. Even if you do know how to use a computer, the things these children are learning and doing with their machines are amazing. Every time you sit and watch seven year old child launch himself into the miracle of the internet you learn something new.

It is important for you to take advantage of this energy and these interests to communicate with your children. Learn from them; send them text messages and pictures. Use your cell phone and call them just for fun. Ask them to share with you by teaching you how to play those games they play on the computer and the television set. It is the time for you to go to the video store and ask for some games you can share with them, educational or just fun games.

Parents today must realize that our time is way past and that every second represents a change in some technological equipment. Our minds and bodies are not built or prepared for the pace our children live in. We must adapt or surrender to them leaving us behind. This will not happen because they do not love us, no, it will happen because we do not understand them.

It is time for us to prepare for these chances and adapt to them as best we can. Computers are a must, cell phone and texting capability are also great assets but most of all what we need is patience and understanding of what is going on in their fast moving heads. Even school is different they are learning

In first grade stuff we learned in third and fourth grade and they are doing it great. The internet has opened a treasure chest of information and knowledge to them. It is important that we are a part of this experience so we can provide them with guidance and understanding of things they dont understand. The internet is a great place to share and learn together, it is a place to have family fun on the technological highway.

Do not allow technology to separate you from your children, use it to bring the family closer. Open your heart and mind to it, who knows you may even like what you learn.
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