Business & Finance Social Media

Public is the New Private - Your Social Life in Social Networking Sites and Online Communities

In the 2009 "Ethics & Workplace" survey by Deloitte, 53 percent of employees polled believed their personal profiles were none of their employers business, and fifteen percent said they'd comment online if their employer did something that they didn't agree with.
These statistics may not be shocking but should be a little unnerving.
Do employees really understand the danger behind these public, personal confessions? After all, there's a fine line between sharing and exposing...
and you do not want to be on the wrong end of that one.
Social networking is a great way to connect, but it's important to keep in mind that a public site is just that.
You do not know who is reading your content nor do you have much control over how it's stored or administered.
Membership management software combined with an online community allows you enhanced control and security.
When considering housing your valuable content on a public social networking site remember: Secrets are best kept by the dead.
There is nothing private about a public social networking site.
Delete away but content has a way of resurfacing.
If it needs to be absolutely private, keep it off of public social sites.
The URL for pictures may remain visible long after you thought it was deleted.
Many social networking sites keep URLs active even if the content is no longer directly visible.
Researchers at Cambridge University found that they could view photos deleted a month earlier by merely typing in the direct URL on nearly half (7 out of 16) of the most popular social networking and multimedia sharing sites.
Discretion is best.
Use the site for its intended purposes -- there are professional social networks out there, both public and private.
There is no limit to the amount of networks you can join so house your off-hours persona (if you must) on your public social site and use your professional and/or private network for career connections.
When making business acquaintances you can provide them with your professional profile information.
There is no need to share everything with everyone.
Limiting use without limiting freedoms.
 In the Deloitte survey, 60 percent of business executives believed they had a right to know how employees portrayed themselves (and thus the company) online.
Many companies have gone the way of embracing social media guidelines.
It is impossible to legislate what someone says about you.
Even if liable and defamation hold up in a court of law, litigation can be costly in time, energy and money.
Becoming a part of the conversation is easier.
Creating your own social network allows you to head off any issues.
It gives outsiders a look into your organization without you being forced to relinquish control.
The ripple effect.
As social networking ages and new rules and moirés are defined, articles like this will become obsolete but until then it is important for each social network user to understand that what you do effects not only the way you are perceived, but it may also effect career possibilities, reflect on your family, friends and employer.
It is necessary as heads of organizations and groups that we remind our members that the Internet is an exchange of information and as brilliant an opportunity as that can be, it also has a dark side.
One must be as vigilant in protecting his reputation as he would be about identity theft.
Social networking is about building relationships and constructing opportunities.
Don't let short-sighted dalliances and rants effect your future career and personal prospects.
Make mature decisions, use professional sites for exchange and networking, and keep in mind the costs of public sites.
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