Health & Medical Hearing

A Hearing Center Can Help You Hear Again

We were given five senses, touch, sight, hearing, taste, and smell.
All of them are important and carry a significant part in our lives.
Depending on the type of hearing loss you experience, a hearing center may be able to fix it with hearing aids.
Every ear is divided into three main parts, the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear.
The external part of the ear is what is seen from the outside and it collects the hearing and sends it through to the eardrum.
On the other side of the eardrum is the middle ear which is home to three small bones, which vibrate according to the sounds coming through the eardrum and transmit the sound to be translated in the inner ear, which is where the nerve endings are that lend to hearing and a person's balance.
There is also a fluid, known only to the human ear that moves according to movement of a small bone shaped like a window.
This gives stimulation to the nerves so that small messages are sent to the brain.
After the sounds are transmitted through all the parts of the ear, they are then sent to the brain, which has two hemispheres, each receives information from the opposite ear.
The information sent by the nerve endings in the ear are then interpreted and the person then hears, understands speech, and is able to tell from where the sound is coming.
All this happens in an extremely short amount of time.
However, when only one ear is processing sound, the brain gets different information and is not able to interpret it as it should.
There are three main types of hearing loss.
These are conductive, sensorineural, and mixed.
If the hearing problem is conductive, it means that the sound is being hindered in the outer portions of the ear.
These can usually be corrected by surgery or simple modification.
However, if the problem lies deeper into the ear it is considered to be a sensorineural problem and usually is a result of nerve damage and is not correctable, though it can be amplified, resulting in mixed hearing.
If your hearing loss requires hearing aids, a professional at your local hearing center can help you get acclimated to your new hearing aids.
He will have you begin gradually wearing your aids for a short time each day and slowly increasing the amount of time that you use them.
Do this at home for a while first where all the sounds can be controlled and less distracting.
If at any time your hearing aids feel uncomfortable, you should call your hearing center right away so that caring professionals can help you get the right fit that works for you.
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