A helmet is part of the crucial gear for a motorcycle rider; rather it is important for any cruiser whose ride doesn't consist of the top hatch to cover the head. Apart from protecting your head in times of accidents, a helmet even protects your eyes and other sensitive parts of the face in extreme weather. However, you might have noticed many folks riding without a helmet, and the reasons they give for the act are quite absurd. I'll list the top ones here.
A helmet is heavy, it might break my neck: It does seem to be apparently logical, but is not quite so. A helmet is not that heavy. Most helmets are manufactured with precision and the weights are evenly balanced throughout. A helmet actually possesses energy-absorbing qualities. It absorbs the strain produced on the neck of the rider during an impact. Even statistics show that helmeted motorcyclists suffer fewer injuries to the neck compared to riders without helmets during accidents.
A helmet causes problems in hearing: The helmet manufacturers aren't insane to use soundproofing material in the helmet. You can hear better with a helmet than without it since it eliminates the wind noise. Additionally, a helmet even bars the wind pressure and reduces fatigue.
What is the use of a helmet in severe crashes?: Such questions are put forward by hardcore cynics. How do they know whether the crash is going to be severe or minor one? The speeds accounted for in motorcycle helmet testing are relatively slow, and if you are traveling at a speed greater than that, it will obviously damage not only your head, but your entire body. Shift your attitude a bit; helmets not only protect you during minor accidents, but also inadvertently advise you to ride at an optimal speed. If you look at it that way, a whole new facet of safe biking will reveal itself.
It is better to die than to live your life with a disfigured brain: The apparently adventurous breed had pointed this issue out. It really is a possibility worth considering. A helmet is capable of absorbing enough energy to keep the impact from being fatal, but might leave you with a smashed brain. But the probability of such an occurrence is pretty rare, and if you do get hit so hard, you are more likely to be killed by some other injuries to your other body parts. A rider who is not wearing a helmet instead is more prone to live with a similar injury when he/she is involved in even a minor accident.
The fatality rates are lower in states without helmet laws than those with them: This is an absurd comparison cited. There are many factors affecting this situation than a mere helmet, like the structure of the roads, the population density, the weather, and the riding season. The statistics of the accidents within the same state should be considered instead. They show that for most states, the fatality rates were lower after the helmet laws were imposed than before such laws had been passed.
A helmet is heavy, it might break my neck: It does seem to be apparently logical, but is not quite so. A helmet is not that heavy. Most helmets are manufactured with precision and the weights are evenly balanced throughout. A helmet actually possesses energy-absorbing qualities. It absorbs the strain produced on the neck of the rider during an impact. Even statistics show that helmeted motorcyclists suffer fewer injuries to the neck compared to riders without helmets during accidents.
A helmet causes problems in hearing: The helmet manufacturers aren't insane to use soundproofing material in the helmet. You can hear better with a helmet than without it since it eliminates the wind noise. Additionally, a helmet even bars the wind pressure and reduces fatigue.
What is the use of a helmet in severe crashes?: Such questions are put forward by hardcore cynics. How do they know whether the crash is going to be severe or minor one? The speeds accounted for in motorcycle helmet testing are relatively slow, and if you are traveling at a speed greater than that, it will obviously damage not only your head, but your entire body. Shift your attitude a bit; helmets not only protect you during minor accidents, but also inadvertently advise you to ride at an optimal speed. If you look at it that way, a whole new facet of safe biking will reveal itself.
It is better to die than to live your life with a disfigured brain: The apparently adventurous breed had pointed this issue out. It really is a possibility worth considering. A helmet is capable of absorbing enough energy to keep the impact from being fatal, but might leave you with a smashed brain. But the probability of such an occurrence is pretty rare, and if you do get hit so hard, you are more likely to be killed by some other injuries to your other body parts. A rider who is not wearing a helmet instead is more prone to live with a similar injury when he/she is involved in even a minor accident.
The fatality rates are lower in states without helmet laws than those with them: This is an absurd comparison cited. There are many factors affecting this situation than a mere helmet, like the structure of the roads, the population density, the weather, and the riding season. The statistics of the accidents within the same state should be considered instead. They show that for most states, the fatality rates were lower after the helmet laws were imposed than before such laws had been passed.