Health & Medical: How You Can Defeat Menopause Weight Gain

How You Can Defeat Menopause Weight Gain

It is extremely likely that every woman will struggle with menopause weight gain. Most women will gain anywhere between 10 to 20 pounds without increasing any food in the diet or doing less physical activity. This is not something that most women look forward to. It not only causes us to buy a new w

Health & Medical: Plus Sized: How to Pick the Perfect Dress for Any Occasion

Plus Sized: How to Pick the Perfect Dress for Any Occasion

I am plus sized, hear me roar! As a modern plus sized woman, I know first hand how difficult it is to find clothes that not only fit and flatter my body, but are fashionable as well. I am constantly on the hunt for the next best thing in the plus sized market. Over the years, my weight has fluctuate

Health & Medical: Best Depilatory Creams Review

Best Depilatory Creams Review

Depilatories are creams that are used to remove unwanted hair. These creams are applied lavishly on the portion of skin where hair needs to be removed. It is usually required that you keep the cream on for a period of 10 to 15 minutes after which, you can wipe the cream off using a coarse towel.

Health & Medical: Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis

Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV), is a very common infection that most women have. However, only a few "lucky" ones experience the uncomfortable and embarrassing symptoms. You have two options for treatment of bacterial vaginosis, doctors or natural methods. Oh, and here are the symptoms of bacter

Health & Medical: Painful Cyst on Ovary? Your Life is at Risk - Take These Crucial Steps Right Now

Painful Cyst on Ovary? Your Life is at Risk - Take These Crucial Steps Right Now

Your ovaries produce those eggs that will be released during the menstrual cycle. It is from those two small organs that are on either side of your pelvis that cysts on ovary can form. These cyst on ovary are sacs that become filled with fluid. Not all of these cyst on ovary are serious, but they ca

Health & Medical: Beauty to Die For

Beauty to Die For

Cancer-causing antiperspirants, bacteria in mascara, lead in lipsticks? Is there truth to these?

Health & Medical: How to Treat Bacterial Vaginosis at Home

How to Treat Bacterial Vaginosis at Home

If you have bacterial vaginosis, like many women you may have already tried endless rounds of antibiotics and over the counter remedies all to no avail. Indeed, statistics show that women who take antibiotics are likely to suffer from recurrent outbreaks of BV within a few weeks of completing treatm

Health & Medical: Ideal Remedy Concerning Candida Albicans

Ideal Remedy Concerning Candida Albicans

The unpleasant itching, burning sensation and secretion have come back. Whilst those are typical symptoms of Candida Albicans, each person could experience a yeast infection differently. As a result, one will find a number of things out there to heal yeast infections.

Health & Medical: Why Treating Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis is No Fishy Business

Why Treating Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis is No Fishy Business

Living with chronic bacterial vaginosis is like working in a fish market 24 hours a day. One of the tell-tale symptoms of chronic vaginosis is the fish smell caused by a bacterial imbalance in the vagina. And if you have chronic chronic bacterial vaginosis, it is something you have to live with for

Health & Medical: Attention Breastfeeding Moms!

Attention Breastfeeding Moms!

For good reason, women who are pregnant or have newborns, are asking what to eat while breastfeeding. You will probably be advised to eat a well balanced diet, with good quality protein and plenty of vegetables and fruit. What you may not be told is that a good breastfeeding diet must include foods

Health & Medical: Top 4 Breast Cancer Books

Top 4 Breast Cancer Books

Breast cancer is one of the most frightening diagnosis a woman may ever hear. Learn everything you need to know about breast cancer symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and risks in these wonderful books.

Health & Medical: Simple Natural Ovarian Cyst Remedies

Simple Natural Ovarian Cyst Remedies

Most ovarian cysts are completely harmless and many women believe that this fact encourages doctors to have the attitude thatwomen should "live with them". However, the often debilitating symptoms which they can cause means that for many women, this is simply not an option, with their qual

Health & Medical: Liposuction - Change the Looks of Your Legs and Arms

Liposuction - Change the Looks of Your Legs and Arms

Liposuction in the arms or legs can go a long way in helping you to feel better about the way your body looks. This in turn can help you feel more confident in other areas of your life.

Health & Medical: Severe Vaginal Atrophy - Are You Treating it the Way You Should?

Severe Vaginal Atrophy - Are You Treating it the Way You Should?

Vaginal atrophy is a condition that affects most women at some point in their life. If left untreated, it can become so severe that your sexual life will practically disappear. Make sure you read this article to learn what the symptoms are and how to prevent it.

Health & Medical: Hysterectomy and the Recovery Time

Hysterectomy and the Recovery Time

If you are a woman considering a hysterectomy, then you obviously are looking for all of the particulars. Something every women has to consider is recovery time.There is a healing time that will have to be bared, and here is a little about it.

Health & Medical: Symptoms of Candida in the Mouth

Symptoms of Candida in the Mouth

Candida of the mouth is also known as oral thrush. The fungus Candida Albicans causes oral Thrush A yeast infection that is present in infants mouths is called Thrush. However, when the infection occurs with adults it is often called just caidiasis or morniliasis.